[223] On May 6, 1919, at Versailles.
[224] Cf. Corriere della Sera, May 10, 1919.
[225] Annex W of the Revised Treaty.
[226] This incident was revealed by Enrico Ferri, in his remarkable speech in the Italian Parliament on July 9, 1919. Cf. La Stampa, July 10, 1919, page 2.
[227] Cf. The Morning Post, July 9, 1919.
[228] On July 10th the Italian Finance Minister, in his financial statement, announced that the total cost of the war to Italy would amount to one hundred milliard lire. He added, however, that her share of the German indemnity would wipe out her foreign debt, while a progressive tax on all but small fortunes would meet her internal obligations. Cf. Corriere della Sera, July 11 and 12, 1919.
[229] Cf. Avanti, July 19, 1919.
[230] Shown in percentages, the rise in the cost of living was: United States, 220 per cent.; England, 240 per cent.; Switzerland, 257 per cent.; France, 368 per cent.; Italy, 481 per cent.
[231] Enrico Ferri, on July 9, 1919. Cf. La Stampa, July 10, 1919.
[232] At a later date the President reiterated the grounds of his decision. In his Columbus speech (September 4, 1919) he asserted that “Italy desired Fiume for strategic military reasons, which the League of Nations would make unnecessary.” (The New York Herald (Paris edition), September 6, 1919.) But the League did not render strategic precautions unnecessary to France.
[233] Corriere della Sera, May 11, 1919.
[234] La Stampa, July 16, 1919.
[235] Avanti, April 27, 1919. Cf. Le Temps, April 28, 1919.
[236] Corriere della Sera, August 9, 1919.
[237] Corriere della Sera, September 3, 1919.
[238] Quoted in La Stampa of July 20, 1919.
[239] Ibidem.
[240] Corriere d’ Italia, June 29, 1919.
[241] Cf. Modern Italy, July 12, 1919 (page 298).
[242] Echo de Paris, July 7, 1919.
[243] Cf. “An Italian Expose,” published by The Morning Post, July 5, 1919.