Aprile, 107, 204, 207
“Aristophanes’ Apology,” 182
“Ask not one least word of praise,” 130
“Asolando,” 22, 39, 128, 131, 182, 196, 207, 210
Asolo, 58, 192
“A Soul’s Tragedy,” 89, 91, 179
“Athenaeum, The,” 73
“A Toccata of Galuppi’s,” 130, 168
“Aurora Leigh,” 118, 152, 166, 169, 170
Bagni di Lucca, 157, 165
Bailey’s “Festus,” 114
“Balaustion’s Adventure,” 182, 190
Balzac, 36, 114, 138, 185, 203, 206
Barrett, Arabella, 54, 174
Barrett, Edward, 136
Barrett, Mr., 144, 161, 170
“Beatrice Signorini,” 131
Beautiful in Verse, the, 206-7
Beethoven, 209
“Before,” 130
“Bells and Pomegranates,” 76, 81, 138
“Ben Karshook’s Wisdom,” 167
Berdoe, E., 68, 204, 207
“Bifurcations,” 130
“Bishop Blougram,” 93, 179
Blake, William, 94
“Blot on the ’Scutcheon, A,” 79,
88, 89, 90, 91, 206
Bossuet and Browning, 191
Browning, Clara, 21
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett:
Browning’s early influence on, 92;
born March 4, 1809, 136;
her girlhood and early work, 136;
death of brother, 136;
residence in London, 137;
“The Cry of the Children,”
friendships with Horne and Kenyon, 137;
her appreciation of Browning’s poems,
correspondence with him, 138;
engagement, 139;
acquaintance with Mrs. Jameson, 143;
marriage, 145;
Mr. Barrett’s resentment, 144;
journey to Paris, 145;
thence to Pisa, 146;
Browning’s love for his wife, 146;
“Sonnets from the Portuguese,”
in spring to Florence, 150;
to Ancona, via Ravenna, in June,
winter at Casa Guidi, 152;
“Aurora Leigh,” 152;
description of poetess, 153, 154;
birth of son in 1849, 157;
“Casa Guidi Windows,” 159;
1850, spring in Rome; proposal to confer
poet-laureateship on
Mrs. Browning,
159, 161;
1851, visits England, 161;
winter in Paris, 162;
she is enthusiastic about Napoleon III.
and interested in Spiritualism;
summer in London, 162;
autumn at Casa Guidi, 162;
winter 1853-4 in Rome, 1856 “Aurora
Leigh,” death of Kenyon,
legacies, 170;
1857, death of Mr. Barrett, 170;
1858, delicacy of Mrs. Browning, 171;
July 1858, Brownings travel to Normandy;
“Two Poems by Elizabeth
Barrett and Robert
Browning,” 1854, 173;
1860, “Poems before Congress,”
and death of Arabella Barrett, 160;
“North and South,” 174;
return to Casa Guidi, and death on 28th
June 1861, 175, 206
Browning, Reuben, 18, 19, 20
Browning, Robert:
born in London in 1812, 11, 13, 19;
his literary and artistic antecedents
and contemporaries, 12-14;
his parentage and ancestry, 15, 17-19;
concerning traces of Semitic origin, 15-19;
his sisters, 20;
his father, 18;