Birds of Guernsey (1879) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 203 pages of information about Birds of Guernsey (1879).

Birds of Guernsey (1879) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 203 pages of information about Birds of Guernsey (1879).

    Sanderling, 147
    Sandpiper, Common, 136
    Sandpiper, Curlew, 145
    Sandpiper, Green, 135
    Scoter, Common, 165
    Shag, 185
    Shearwater, Great, 213
    Shearwater, Manx, 215
    Shrike, Red-backed, 23
    Siskin, 77
    Smew, 169
    Snipe, 142
    Snipe, Jack, 144
    Snipe, Solitary, 141
    Sparrowhawk, 13
    Sparrow, House, 74
    Sparrow, Tree, 73
    Spoonbill, 155
    Starling, Common, 82
    Stint, Little, 146
    Stonechat, 41
    Swallow, 106
    Swan, Bewick’s, 161
    Swan, Mute, 158
    Swan, Wild, 160
    Swift, 104

    Teal, 164
    Tern, Arctic, 192
    Tern, Black, 193
    Tern, Common, 190
    Tit, Blue, 60
    Tit, Great, 59
    Tit, Long-tailed, 61
    Thick-knee, 18
    Thrush, Song, 33
    Thrush, Mistletoe, 31
    Turnstone, 127

    Warbler, Dartford, 49
    Warbler, Reed, 44
    Warbler, Sedge, 48
    Wagtail, Grey, 64
    Wagtail, Pied, 62
    Wagtail, White, 63
    Wagtail, Yellow, 65
    Waxwing, 62

    Wheatear, 43
    Whimbrel, 133
    Whinchat, 43
    Whitethroat, 50
    Whitethroat, Lesser, 52
    Woodcock, 140

    Woodpecker, Lesser Spotted, 91
    Wren, 58
    Wren, Fire-crested, 55
    Wren, Golden-crested, 54
    Wren, Willow, 53
    Wryneck, 94

    Yellowhammer, 71

Project Gutenberg
Birds of Guernsey (1879) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.