The Fine Lady's Airs (1709) eBook

Thomas Baker (attorney)
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 101 pages of information about The Fine Lady's Airs (1709).

The Fine Lady's Airs (1709) eBook

Thomas Baker (attorney)
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 101 pages of information about The Fine Lady's Airs (1709).

Mrs. Lov. I knew your Ladyship had a much superiour Aim, but my Ambition soars no higher than being an honest Citizen’s Wife.

Nick. Don’t it so, Mrs. Ambush?  Methinks you ha’ soar’d prodigiously in that; do you imagine the Ladies of Billiter-Lane, St. Mary-Ax, and French-Ordinary-Court will think you their equal.

La. Rod. I must tell you, Mr. Nicknack, you have marry’d a Gentlewoman, whose Education equals the best; her Wit and Breeding will refine your City.

Nick. Will her Wit and Breeding new furnish my House, or buy a Thousand Pound Stock in the Hollow-Blade-Company. [To Mrs. Lov.] Well, Madam, since you have plaid me a t’other end o’the Town Trick, I shall prove a t’other end o’the Town Husband, and have nothing to say to you when I can get any body else.

Mrs. Lov. I then, Sir, shall prove a t’other end o’the Town Wife, and find a great many Persons that shall have a great deal to say to me.

Sir Har. [Aside to Mrs. Lov.] Have you kept the Secret, Madam?

Mrs. Lov. No, Sir Harry, But you’ll be oblig’d to me to keep another Secret, that you endeavour’d to debauch me.

Sir Har. You gave me such Hopes, Madam, that you’ll keep that for your own Reputation. [To Nick.] Your pardon, Sir, for whispering your Lady.

Nick. Sir, I have more Manners than to be jealous, especially of what I don’t care two pinches of Snuff for.

    Enter Servant.

Ser. Madam, Major Bramble, and his Lady.

La. Rod. Major Bramble, and his Lady!

Sir Har. Oh! my Lady Toss-up, Madam, has marry’d the Major; I met ’em coming from Covent-Garden-Church, with Five hundred Boys after ’em.

    Enter Bramble, and Lady Toss-up.

Bram. Hearing, Madam, your Ladyship had almost engag’d your self, I was resolv’d to lay aside all Animosities, and let you know, I have taken to Wife the most incomparable Lady Toss-up.

La. Toss. And that your Ladyship might not engross the whole Sex, I receiv’d the Major, to let you know I have room for one Lover.

La. Rod. I never knew a more surprizing Couple, such a Conjunction’s Policy indeed; State-Matches never have regard to Faces. [Noise without.] Bring ’em along, bring ’em along.

    Enter Constable, and others, with Totty, Shrimp, and Knapsack.

Col. What means this Intrusion?

Con. Is Sir Harry Sprightly here?

Sir Har. I am he.

Con. An’t please your Baronetship, searching some Houses of ill repute, in one of ’em we found these three Gentlemen, [pointing to Totty and Knapsack.] with three Women; and searching a little further, under a fat Whores Petticoats, we found this little Gentleman, [Pointing to Shrimp.] but saying they belong’d to your Honour, we brought ’em hither before we went to the Justice.

Project Gutenberg
The Fine Lady's Airs (1709) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.