and for this opinion, I have, among other respectable
authorities, that of the Bible. ’Shall
we,’ says Job, ’receive good from the hand
of God, and shall we not receive evil?’ The
Supreme Being is equally wise and benevolent in the
dispensation of both evil and good, as means of effecting
ultimate purposes worthy of his ineffable perfections;
so that whether we consider ourselves as Christians
or philosophers, we must acknowledge that he deserves
blessing not more when he gives than when he takes
away. If the fall of a sparrow, as well as its
preservation, is imputed to Providence, why not the
fall as well as the preservation of a man? And
why should we attribute to Providence only what appears
to be good in its immediate effect, when we suppose
that the whole concatenation of events, whether the
preservation or destruction of particular parts, tends
ultimately to the good of the whole? The same
voice commissions the winds to plough up the deep,
which at the appointed time rebukes them, saying,
‘Peace, be still.’ If the adorable
Author and Preserver of Nature was such a being as
Baal is represented to have been by the prophet, when
he derided his worshippers; if he was sometimes on
a journey, and sometimes asleep, we might with propriety
say that a fire
happened to break out, or a
storm to rise, but that by the interposition of Providence
life was preserved, expressions which imply that the
mischief had one origin, and the remedy another; but
such language certainly derogates, from the honour
of the great Universal Cause, who, acting through
all duration, and subsisting in all space, fills immensity
with his presence, and eternity with his power.
“It will perhaps be said, that in particular
instances evil necessarily results from that constitution
of things which is best upon the whole, and that Providence
occasionally interferes, and supplies the defects of
the constitution in these particulars; but this notion
will appear not to be supported by those facts which
are said to be providential; it will always be found
that Providence interposes too late, and only moderates
the mischief which it might have prevented. But
who can suppose an extraordinary interposition of
Providence to supply particular defects in the constitution
of Nature, who sees those defects supplied but in
part? It is true, that when the Endeavour was
upon the rock off the coast of New Holland, the wind
ceased, and that otherwise she must have been beaten
to pieces; but either the subsiding of the wind was
a mere natural event, If it was a natural event, Providence
is out of the question, at least we can with no more
propriety say that providentially the wind ceased,
than that providentially the sun rose in the morning.
If it was not a mere natural event, but produced by
an extraordinary interposition, correcting a defect
in the constitution of nature, tending to mischief,
it will lie upon those who maintain the position,
to shew, why an extraordinary interposition did not