following his frightful guide, he for three days travelled
in darkness, sometimes hearing the booming of a distant
ocean, sometimes walking through rivers of blood,
which crossed their subterranean path. At length
they emerged into daylight, in a most beautiful orchard.
Thomas, almost fainting for want of food, stretches
out his hand towards the goodly fruit which hangs
around him, but is forbidden by his conductress, who
informs him these are the fatal apples which were the
cause of the fall of man. He perceives also that
his guide had no sooner entered this mysterious ground,
and breathed its magic air, than she was revived in
beauty, equipage, and splendour, as fair, or fairer,
than he had first seen her on the mountain. She
then commands him to lay his head upon her knee, and
proceeds to explain to him the character of the country.
“Yonder right-hand path,” she says, “conveys
the spirits of the blessed to Paradise; yon downward
and well-worn way leads sinful souls to the place
of everlasting punishment; the third road, by yonder
dark brake, conducts to the milder place of pain from
which prayer and mass may release offenders.
But see you yet a fourth road, sweeping along the
plain to yonder splendid castle? Yonder is the
road to Elfland, to which we are now bound. The
lord of the castle is king of the country, and I am
his queen. But, Thomas, I would rather be drawn
with wild horses, than he should know what hath passed
between you and me. Therefore, when we enter
yonder castle, observe strict silence, and answer no
question that is asked at you, and I will account
for your silence by saying I took your speech when
I brought you from middle earth.”
Having thus instructed her lover, they journeyed on
to the castle, and entering by the kitchen, found
themselves in the midst of such a festive scene as
might become the mansion of a great feudal lord or
prince. Thirty carcases of deer were lying on
the massive kitchen board, under the hands of numerous
cooks, who toiled to cut them up and dress them, while
the gigantic greyhounds which had taken the spoil lay
lapping the blood, and enjoying the sight of the slain
game. They came next to the royal hall, where
the king received his loving consort without censure
or suspicion. Knights and ladies, dancing by threes
(reels perhaps), occupied the floor of the hall, and
Thomas, the fatigues of his journey from the Eildon
hills forgotten, went forward and joined in the revelry.
After a period, however, which seemed to him a very
short one, the queen spoke with him apart, and bade
him prepare to return to his own country. “Now,”
said the queen, “how long think you that you
have been here?” “Certes, fair lady,”
answered Thomas, “not above these seven days.”
“You are deceived,” answered the queen,
“you have been seven years in this castle;
and it is full time you were gone. Know, Thomas,
that the fiend of hell will come to this castle to-morrow
to demand his tribute, and so handsome a man as you