—— and Gladstone—a contrast; 206
—— and Mr. Dillon’s forgetfulness; 219-26
—— and Harrington; 223-226
—— and the fight in the House; 242-6
——’s beautiful elocution; 243-4
Chambers, a contrast between the two; 271
Chaplin, Henry; 261
Charwomen and ratcatchers; 212-3
Churchill, Lord Randolph,; 58, 110, 132, 161, 167, 247
—— his genius and fall; 20
—— improving; 46
—— and Balfour deadly foes; 72-3
—— and Gladstone; 169-70
Clanricarde, Lord; 155-7
—— entry of a ghost; 157-8
Claque in Parliament, The; 54
Clothes; 201-4
Cobbe, Mr.; 210
Cochrane left limp; 78
Collings, a “rodent,” Jesse; 27
Comic relief; 18
Condon and the fight, Tom; 249
Consolations of old age, the; 192-3
Conservative opportunity, A; 188-9
Conybeare and the Speaker, Mr.; 226-7
Courtney, L.H.; 13, 185, 263
——’s H’s; 22
Cranborne’s impudence, Lord; 68, 176
—— interruption; 129-30
Crean in the Fight, Mr.; 249
Criminal combination, a; 65-6
Cunningham Graham (see Graham, Cunningham).
Cyclone, the bursting of the; 249
Daily News and Chamberlain, the; 189-95
Dalziel, Mr.; 236, 258
Davenport, Mr. Bromley; 67
Davitt, Michael—a portrait; 124
Deeper and deeper; 176-7
Defeat, a Government; 252-3
Demos and dinner; 209-10
Devonshire, funereal; 273-4
De Worms, Baron; 90
Dilke, Sir Charles; 16, 99-100, 252-56
—— and Egypt; 158-9
Dillon and Chamberlain, Mr.; 218-26, 264
Disappointed office seekers; 52
Disestablishment; 200-1
Disraeli—an oriental juggler; 56
—— A recollection of;
—— Coningsby; 263
Division, a tight; 179-80
Divisions; 48, 110, 144-5, 150, 162, 169, 177, 179-80,
187-8, 236-7,
240-1, 253, 268, 282
Divorce, Irish objections to; 199-200
Duty of Liberals, the plain; 257-8
Dynamitards, release of; 29
Egypt; 158-61
Eirenicon, a great; 160-1
Ellis, Tom; 144
Employers’ liability; 42-3, 150-1
Epoch of brutality, the; 78
Fall of the flag, the; 234
False alarm, a; 185-6
Farmer, pity the poor (see Agriculture)
Fateful moment, the; 218
Fergusson, Sir James; 252
Field unsteady, the; 236
Fight in the House, the; 242-53
First fence, the; 164-5, 169
Fisher & the fight, Hayes; 251-2
Forster, Arnold; 149
—— and Sexton; 227-8
Foster, Sir Walter; 177
Fowler, H.H.; 41-2
Freemasonry and Mr. Gladstone; 210-12
Gibbs, A.G.H.; 176
—— and the fight, Vicary;
246-7, 250
Gladstone, Mrs.; 35
—— and her husband;
Gladstone, William Ewart; 51, 60, 78-86, 102-4, 110-6,
144, 178, 180-6,
188-9, 191-5, 200-1, 205,
214-5, 228, 231-3, 237
—— in 1880; 13
——’s entrance
and appearance; 18-9, 32-4
—— on the Address; 18-20
—— and Mr. Collings;
—— and his secretaries;