International Miscellany of Literature, Art and Science, Vol. 1, eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 523 pages of information about International Miscellany of Literature, Art and Science, Vol. 1,.

International Miscellany of Literature, Art and Science, Vol. 1, eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 523 pages of information about International Miscellany of Literature, Art and Science, Vol. 1,.

ANOTHER FESTIVAL IN GERMANY.—­Near the close of August, musical and Dramatic ceremonies in inauguration of the statue of Herder took place at Weimar.  On the 24th was represented at the theater the “Prometheus Unbound,” with overture and choruses by M. Liszt.  On the 25th, after the inauguration of the statue, Handel’s “Messiah” was performed in the Cathedral, where Herder used to preach, and where he lies buried.  On the 28th, was given at the theater the first representation of “Lohengrin,” anew opera, by Herr Wagner, with a prologue written for the occasion by Herr Dingelstedt.

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THE WORDSWORTH MONUMENT.—­In a former number of this journal we noticed the organization of a very influential committee, for raising subscriptions, in order that suitable monuments might be erected to the memory of the late poet, both in Westminster Abbey and in the locality which was his chosen residence, and so often his chosen theme.  We perceive, with more regret than surprise, that the amounts advertised are mean in the extreme.  We fear that ten times the sums would have been more readily collected, to do honor to a dancer or a singer.

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REVOLUTIONARY STAMPS.—­The Secretary of the New Jersey Historical Society, W. A. Whitehead, Esq., has received through the Hon. W. B. Kinney, Charge d’Affaires to Sardinia, several of the identical stamps that were made for use in the Colonies, and which were the immediate cause of the American Revolution.  A box of them was recently found in the Colonial Office in London, where our Minister procured them.

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There are no lineal descendants of Warren Hastings in existence.  The estates of Mr. Hastings passed into the sister’s family, and are held at present by Sir C. Imhoff, who resides at Daglesford House, near Stow-on-the-Wold.  The house has much interest attached to it.  The whole furniture of one room is composed of solid ivory.

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IN THE LATE MEETING OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, of Paris, it was announced that the Academy had received from Mr. Pennington of Baltimore, United States of America, a manuscript and a printed prospectus Concerning a project of a steam balloon, upon which he wished the Academy to decide.

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The holder of the appointment of Examiner of Plays, in England, enjoys a salary of $2000 per annum, beside a tax upon every play, interlude, farce, or song, licensed for representation upon the stage.  This appointment is in the gift of the Lord Chamberlain.

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GEORGE CATLIN, the Indian traveler, is soon to sail to Texas from Liverpool, with a large body of emigrants; they will settle on the lands of the Emigration Colonization Society.

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Project Gutenberg
International Miscellany of Literature, Art and Science, Vol. 1, from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.