The Life and Correspondence of Sir Isaac Brock eBook

Ferdinand Brock Tupper
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about The Life and Correspondence of Sir Isaac Brock.

The Life and Correspondence of Sir Isaac Brock eBook

Ferdinand Brock Tupper
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about The Life and Correspondence of Sir Isaac Brock.

On the 4th February, 1812, Major-General Brock, accompanied by a numerous suite, opened the session of the legislature at York with the following speech to the legislative council and the house of assembly: 

    “Honorable Gentlemen of the Legislative Council, and Gentlemen
    of the House of Assembly.

“I should derive the utmost satisfaction, the first time of my addressing you, were it permitted me to direct your attention solely to such objects as tended to promote the peace and prosperity of this province.
“The glorious contest in which the British empire is engaged, and the vast sacrifice which Great Britain nobly offers to secure the independence of other nations, might be expected to stifle every feeling of envy and jealousy, and at the same time to excite the interest and command the admiration of a free people; but, regardless of such generous impressions, the American government evinces a disposition calculated to impede and divide her efforts.
“England is not only interdicted the harbours of the United States, while they afford a shelter to the cruisers of her inveterate enemy, but she is likewise required to resign those maritime rights which she has so long exercised and enjoyed.  Insulting threats are offered, and hostile preparations actually commenced; and though not without hope that cool reflection and the dictates of justice may yet avert the calamities of war, I cannot, under every view of the relative situation of the province, be too urgent in recommending to your early attention the adoption of such measures as will best secure the internal peace of the country, and defeat every hostile aggression.
“Principally composed of the sons of a loyal and brave band of veterans, the militia, I am confident, stand in need of nothing but the necessary legislative provisions, to direct their ardour in the acquirement of military instruction, to form a most efficient force.
“The growing prosperity of these provinces, it is manifest, begins to awaken a spirit of envy and ambition.  The acknowledged importance of this colony to the parent state will secure the continuance of her powerful protection.  Her fostering care has been the first cause, under Providence, of the uninterrupted happiness you have so long enjoyed.  Your industry has been liberally rewarded, and you have in consequence risen to opulence.
“These interesting truths are not uttered to animate your patriotism, but to dispel any apprehension which you may have imbibed of the possibility of England forsaking you; for you must be sensible that if once bereft of her support, if once deprived of the advantages which her commerce and the supply of her most essential wants give you, this colony, from its geographical position, must inevitably sink into comparative poverty and insignificance.

    “But Heaven will look favorably on the manly exertions which
    the loyal and virtuous inhabitants of this happy land are
    prepared to make, to avert such a dire calamity.

Project Gutenberg
The Life and Correspondence of Sir Isaac Brock from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.