The Life and Correspondence of Sir Isaac Brock eBook

Ferdinand Brock Tupper
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about The Life and Correspondence of Sir Isaac Brock.

The Life and Correspondence of Sir Isaac Brock eBook

Ferdinand Brock Tupper
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 433 pages of information about The Life and Correspondence of Sir Isaac Brock.
Four Assistant Constables, (each with his Staff of office.) Two Deputy Sheriffs.—­Deputy Greffier.—­Deputy Sergeant.  Deputy, Harbour Master.—­Postmaster.—­Surveyor of Works.  Receiver of Impost.—­Assistant Supervisor.—­Harbour Master.  The Principal Officer and the Comptroller of Her Majesty’s Customs.  Deputy Judge Advocate.—­Barrack Master.—­Ordnance Storekeeper.  Fort Major.—­Government Secretary.  Officers of the five Regiments of Guernsey Militia.  Officers of the 48th Depot.  Officers of the Royal Artillery.—­Colonel Moody.  Clerk of the Town Parish and Clerk of St. Martin’s Parish.  Rev. W. Le Mottee.  Rev. Henry Benwell.  Rev. E. Guille.  Rev. George Guille.  Rev. F. Jeremie.  Rev. Peter Carey.  Rev. Daniel Dobree.  Rev. W.L.  Davies.  Rev. William Guille.  Rev. W.J.  Chepmell.  Rev. Thomas Brock.  The Very Rev. the Dean.

    Frederick Mansell, Jurat.  Hilary O. Carre, Jurat.

    John Hubert, Jurat.  John Le Messurier, Jurat.

    James Carey, Jurat.  John Guille, Jurat.

Rev. R. Potenger.} Mourners. { F.B.  Tupper. 
John Carey, jun. } { Henry Tupper.

Lieut.-General Sir James Douglas.—­His Excellency Major-General
W.F.P.  Napier, Lieut.-Governor.—­Lieut.-General Ross.

Peter B. Dobree.    }  Jurats.  { T.W.  Gosselin. 
Thomas Le Retilley. }         { H. Dobree, jun.

The Queen’s Procureur.—­The Queen’s Comptroller.—­Her Majesty’s
The Advocates of the Royal Court. 
The late Bailiff’s Medical Attendants. 
The Douzeniers of each parish, headed by their respective
Constables, four abreast. 
Relatives, with Hat Bands, four abreast. 
The Order of Rechabites in full procession. 
A Deputation of the Total Abstinence Society,
headed by Mr. Edmund Richards.

“The procession proceeded in solemn order down the Grange Road, until it reached the College, when it turned to the left, and passed on to the eastern entrance of the new burying ground, and from thence proceeded to the grave, near the opposite extremity of the cemetery, which was destined to be the final resting place of the aged patriot.  The persons who composed the cortege having been formed in order round the grave, the sublime and solemn ritual of the Church of England was read in a feeling and impressive manner by the Very Reverend the Dean, the coffin being at the proper period of the service committed to the bosom of the earth in profound and solemn silence.  When the service was concluded, a great many persons approached the border of the grave to take a farewell look at the narrow tenement which now contained the remains of a man who, but a few short hours back, had occupied so prominent a position in his native land.  Many a sigh was breathed, many a tear was shed upon that grave; and many and various were the expressions of affection and regret which there found utterance, and which seemed to say

Project Gutenberg
The Life and Correspondence of Sir Isaac Brock from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.