A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 12 eBook

Robert Kerr (writer)
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 760 pages of information about A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 12.

A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 12 eBook

Robert Kerr (writer)
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 760 pages of information about A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 12.
was, they were every moment in danger of being devoured by a shark.  About ten o’clock in the morning, however, they reached the tents, almost perished with hunger and cold, and were received with equal surprise and joy by their shipmates, who immediately shared with them such provisions and clothes as they had.  When they came on board, I gave orders that they should have such refreshments as were proper, and remain in their hammocks the whole night.  The next day they were as hearty as if nothing had happened, nor did they suffer any farther inconvenience from the accident.  These were three of the honest fellows who had swam naked from the ship at the island of Madeira to get a skinful of liquor.  I now return to my narrative in the order of time.

On the 18th, the weather was moderate, and in the evening we were within half a mile of the anchoring-ground, from which we had been driven; but the wind suddenly failing, and a current making against us, we could not reach it:  We took advantage, however, of being so near the waterers’ tent to send a boat on shore to enquire after the three men whose adventure has been just related, and soon after she brought them on board.  The carpenters were all this time employed in making a new mizen-gaff, out of a gib-boom, and in the mean while we were obliged to makeshift with the old one, keeping the sail balanced.  It continued a stark calm all the night, so that in the morning we found the current and the swell had driven us no less than nine miles from the land:  The weather, however, being good, I sent the cutter for a load of water, which she brought on board about one o’clock.  Soon after a breeze sprung up at N.N.W. and as we now approached the land very fast, I sent the boat on shore again for water; it happened, however, that before we could reach our anchoring-ground, it again fell calm, and we were again kept off by the current:  The boat in the meantime, as she rowed along the shore, caught as much fish with hook and line as served all the ship’s company, which was some alleviation of our disappointment.  At eight o’clock in the evening, it began again to blow hard with sudden squalls, so that we passed another toilsome and dangerous night.  In the morning, having a stiff gale at N.W. we made towards our anchoring-ground with all the sail we could spread, and happily regained it about four o’clock in the afternoon, when we anchored, at two cables’ length from the beach, in eighteen fathom, with a bottom of fine sand, and moored with a small anchor in shore.  By the time the ship was properly secured, it was too late to proceed with our watering; the long-boat however was sent along the shore to fish, and though before seven o’clock it blew so hard that she was obliged to return, she brought fish enough on board to serve all the people.  In the night we had foul weather, with hard squalls and much rain; and in the morning, the wind blowing with great violence along the shore, we frequently drove, though we had not less than two

Project Gutenberg
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 12 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.