Republican party,
causes leading to organization of the
modern, 83;
its claims to being the first genuinely
national party, 83-84;
rescue of, by Roosevelt, 171.
question of, 210.
Rockefeller, John D., 111-112, 114, 115.
Roman Empire, the, 216.
Roosevelt, Theodore, 86, 136, 155;
as a reformer, 142, 167;
nationalization of reform by, 168-170;
policy of, compared with Hamiltonian creed,
theory and practice of, contrasted with
Jefferson’s, 170;
the rescue of the Republican party by,
vulnerability of, on the point of equal
rights, 172;
has really been building better than he
knew or will admit, 173-174;
criticism of, as a national reformer,
Roosevelt-Taft programme, of recognition of corporations,
tempered by regulation, 358-359;
how best to carry out, 359-360.
Root, Elihu, 135;
international system indicated by, 301.
faith of Russians in, 2;
international situation of, at present,
253, 256-257, 258;
weakness of, exposed, 311.
Saloon licenses, 385.
Santayana, George, quoted, 454.
methods of, a perfect type of authoritative
technical methods, 434.
Sherman Anti-Trust Law,
a bar to proper treatment of corporate
aggrandizement, 274;
as an expensive attempt to save the life
of the small competitor who
cannot hold his
own, should be repealed, 359.
an impartial estimate of, 81-82.
effect of introduction of factor of, on
Democrats and Whigs, 72;
sanctioned by the Constitution, and results,
attitude of the two political parties
toward, 73-74;
shirking of the question, and compromises,
brings out inconsistency of alliance between
Jeffersonian democracy
and American nationality
as embodied in Constitutional Union, 75;
Webster’s attitude on the question,
American people separated into five parties
by, 77;
attitude of Constitutional Unionists toward,
beliefs of Abolitionists, Southern Democrats,
Northern Democrats, and
Republicans, 78-79;
body of public opinion looking to de-nationalizing
slavery, which was
organized into
the Republican party, 83-84.
Smythe, William, 151.
Social Democrats,
party of, in Germany, 251.
weakness of, 210;
idea of an international, a mistake, 210-211.
doctrine preached by extreme, in France,
Social problem,
democracy and the, 138-140.
South America,
bearing of Monroe Doctrine on, and possible
complications resulting
from, 294-296.
religious wars of, 219;
national feeling in, increased by abuses
of Napoleon, 225.