The Promise of American Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 620 pages of information about The Promise of American Life.

The Promise of American Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 620 pages of information about The Promise of American Life.

Legislative organization,
  failure of American, 319-320;
  causes, 321-324;
  suggested remedy, 327-331;
  quality of membership of, should be improved, 328-329;
  preparation of measures for consideration by, 330-331.

“Letters of an American Farmer,” 8-9, 10.

  Hamilton’s theory concerning, as contrasted with Jeffersonian Democrats’,
  bearing of worship of so-called, on behavior of factions at time of
      slavery crisis, 79;
  responsibility of a democracy for personal, 193 ff.;
  economic, of the individual, 201-206;
  subordinated and made helpful to the principle of human brotherhood,

Liberty and union,
  Hamilton’s idea of, 44-45;
  prevailing view of, during “era of good feeling,” 51.

Life insurance companies,
  attempted regulation of, by various state governments, 355.

Lincoln, Abraham,
  first appearance of, in debates with Douglas, 85-86;
  service of, in seeing straighter and thinking harder than did his
      contemporaries, 87;
  makes the Western Democracy understand for the first time that American
      nationality is a living principle, 88;
  peculiar service rendered by and wherein his greatness lay, 88-89;
  the personal worth of, 89;
  early career and surroundings of, 89-90;
  wherein he differed from the average Western Democrat, 90-91;
  training and development of his intellect, 91-92;
  further consideration of his character, 94 ff.;
  contrasted with Jefferson, 95;
  with Garrison, 95, 427;
  with Jackson, 96;
  necessity for emphasis of the difference between, and his contemporary
      fellow-countrymen, 98-99;
  national intellectual and moral stature of, 427.

Low, Seth, as a reformer, 143.

  cause of, 318;
  method of stopping, 344.


  place of, in American economic development, 108.

Machines, political, 117 ff.;
  created to satisfy a real need, 124-125;
  power of, felt in the courts, 318;
  corruption and incompetence of state legislative organizations
      traceable to, 321;
  complete reform of local administrative systems necessary for breaking
      power of, 334;
  civil service reform has not retarded progress of, 335.

McClellan, George B.,
  as a reformer, 143.

Madison, James,
  conduct of second war with England by, 53-54.

  Hamilton’s policy in encouraging, 39.

Merit system in offices, 143;
  disappointing results of establishment of, 334-337.

  cooeperation, of, in establishment of stable international system, 303.

Middle Ages,
  city states of the, 215;
  origins of the national state found in, 217 ff.

Project Gutenberg
The Promise of American Life from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.