disarmament question, 256-259;
colonial expansion of, despite her expectation of European
aggrandizement, 261;
danger of this policy, 261-262;
national idea of, turns upon the principle of official leadership
toward a goal of national greatness, 267-268.
Governors of states, 119;
suggested reforms relative to administration
of, 338 ff.;
“House of,” proposed, 347.
Great Britain,
effect of position of, on domestic and
foreign policy, 8, 261;
question whether colonial expansion of,
has been carried too far, 262;
relations between Canada and, 305-306;
suggested arrangement between United States
and, relative to Canada, 306.
See England.
Hamilton, Alexander,
doctrines of, versus those of Jefferson,
28-29, 45-46, 153;
insight and energy of, saved states from
disunion, 37;
quoted on the Constitution, 37;
importance of work of, in constructive
legislation, 38-39;
broad view taken by, of governmental functions,
doubtful theory of, regarding national
debt, 40-41;
reasons for loss of popularity and influence
of, 41-42;
philosophy of, concerning liberty and
the method of protecting it, 44;
Roosevelt’s improvement on principle
of, 169;
adaptability of doctrines of, to democracy
without injury to
themselves, 214;
foreign policy of, 289-290, 292-293.
Harriman, Edward, 202.
Hearst, William R., 136, 151, 155;
as a reformer, 142, 143-144;
radicalism of, 163;
inconsistencies, factiousness, and dangerous
revolutionary spirit of,
viewed as the logical punishment upon
the American people for their
sins of wrong
tradition, 166.
Heresies of American Middle Period, and sterile results of, 422-426.
Hill, James J., 202.
Hodder, Alfred, quoted, 144, 160, 162.
possible incorporation of, with German
Empire, 253.
Holy Alliance,
political system established by, 226;
Monroe Doctrine the American retort to,
Home rule, municipal, 347-350.
“House of Governors,” proposed, 347.
Howe, Frederic C., 151.
Hughes, Governor, 135.
Human brotherhood,
liberty and equality subordinated to principle
of, in ideal democracy,
the only method of realizing the religion
of, 453.
necessity of an individual and a national,
Income taxation, 384-385.
Individual emancipation,
conditions of, 409 ff.;
attempts at, 421 ff.;
means of, 427 ff.