The Promise of American Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 620 pages of information about The Promise of American Life.

The Promise of American Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 620 pages of information about The Promise of American Life.

Foreign policy, American, 289 ff.;
  the Monroe Doctrine in, 291-297;
  of Jeffersonian Republicans, 292;
  wisdom of continued policy of isolation, 298, 310;
  correct policy would be to make American system stand for peace, 299;
  international system advocated for South and Central America, and
      Mexico, 300-303;
  the question of relations with Canada, 303-306;
  suggested treaty bearing on relations between United States, Canada,
      and Great Britain, 306;
  systematic development of, an absolute necessity, 306-307;
  colonial expansion, 308-309;
  questions of, raised by future of China, 309-310;
  isolation of United States is only comparative, under modern
      conditions, 310.

  the inheritors of great, 204, 382-384.

  faith of Frenchmen in, 2;
  origins of national state in, 218, 219;
  effect of Revolution on national principle in, 223-224;
  lack of representative institutions a defect in its government
      to-day, 228;
  democracy and nationality in, 239 ff.;
  a Republic proved to be best form of government for, 241-242;
  democracy not thoroughly nationalized in, 242-243;
  economic problem in, 244-245;
  lack of national spirit in official domestic policy, 243-244;
  failure of, as a colonial power as long as striving for European
      aggrandizement, 261;
  national idea of, is democratic but is rendered difficult and its
      value limited, 268.

  American municipal policy toward public service corporations’, 372-375.

  American tradition of, 421-422;
  the failure to attain, 422 ff.

Free trade in Great Britain, 234.

French Revolution, the, 222 ff.


Garrison, William Lloyd,
  mental attitude and policy of, contrasted with Lincoln’s, 95, 427.

George, Henry, Jr., cited, 151.

  effect of religious wars and lack of national policy in, during early
      development, 219;
  nationality in, increased after Napoleon, 225;
  outstripping of England by, industrially, 232, 233;
  relation between democracy and nationality in, 246 ff.;
  system of protection, state ownership of railways, improvement in
      farming, etc., 250;
  result of “paternalism” has been industrial expansion surpassing
      other European states, 250-251;
  position of, not so high as ten years ago, 251;
  the Social Democrats, 251-252;
  dubious international standing of, 252-253;
  is the power which has most to gain from a successful war, 252-253;
  is the cause of a better understanding between England, France, and
      Russia, 253-254;
  effect of success or failure of foreign policy on domestic policy, 254;
  further consideration of international

Project Gutenberg
The Promise of American Life from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.