The Promise of American Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 620 pages of information about The Promise of American Life.

The Promise of American Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 620 pages of information about The Promise of American Life.

Bismarck, Otto von, 8, 242, 256;
  personal career of, 247;
  unification of Germany by, 247-249;
  course of, as Imperial Chancellor, 249 ff.;
  inheritance left to German Empire by, in the way of overbearing
      attitude to domestic and foreign opponents, 251;
  provoking of Germany’s two wars by, was justifiable, 256;
  quoted on what constitutes the real nation, 265-266.

  the coming of the, 118-121;
  character and position of the, 122;
  dealings of, with big corporations, 122-124;
  his specialized leadership fills a real and permanent need, 124-125;
  is the unofficial ruler of his community, 125;
  is the logical outcome of a certain conception of the democratic
      state, 148-149;
  method proposed for destroying the, 338-341;
  Australian ballot and system of direct primaries have no injurious
      effect on, 341-343.

Bourbon monarchy, the, 219-220;
  cause of downfall of, 220.

Bryan, William J., 136, 144, 151;
  particular consideration of, as a reformer, 156 ff.;
  special reforms advocated by, 156-158;
  incoherence in political thinking shown by, 158-159;
  policy of, toward large corporations, 358.

Business man,
  origins of the typical American, 106-108;
  business regarded as warfare by, 107-108;
  relation between railroads and the, 109-111;
  rise of, in Great Britain, and relations with aristocracy, 234-235.

Butler, Nicholas Murray, quoted, 408.


Cabinet, or executive council,
  suggested for governors, 338-339.

Calhoun, John, a leader of the Whigs, 66-67, 79, 82.

  question of cooeperation of, in establishment of a peaceful international
      system, 303-304;
  desirability of greater commercial freedom between United States and,
  preparing the way for closer political association, 305-306;
  lines along which treaty between United States, Great Britain, and,
      might be made, 306.

Carnegie, Andrew, 202, 402.

Catholic Church,
  as a bond between Western European states, 217;
  losing battle of, with political authority, 283.

Central America,
  opportunity for improving international political conditions in, 303.

  nationality and, 272-279;
  demand for more rather than less, because of growing centralization
      of American activity, 274-275;
  increase in, injurious to certain aspects of traditional American
      democracy, 276;
  perniciousness of prejudice against, 278-279.

Chapman, John Jay, work by,
  cited, 408;
  quoted, 418.

Checks and balances,
  system of, 33, 316;
  system of, proves especially unsuitable for state governments, 323-324.

Project Gutenberg
The Promise of American Life from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.