its own self-expression; and the strength of its position
and the superiority of its weapons are so decisive
that they should gradually force the existing system
to give way. The defenses of that system have
vulnerable points; and its defenders are disunited
except in one respect. They would be able to
repel any attack delivered along their whole line;
but their binding interest is selfish and tends under
certain conditions to divide them one from another
without bestowing on the divided individuals the energy
of independence and self-possession. Their position
can be attacked at its weaker points, not only without
meeting with combined resistance, but even with the
assistance of some of their theoretical allies.
Many convinced supporters of the existing order are
men of superior merit, who are really fighting against
their own better individual interests; and they need
only to taste the exhilaration of freedom in order
better to understand its necessary social and economical
conditions. Others, although men of inferior
achievement, are patriotic and well-intentioned in
feeling; and they may little by little be brought to
believe that patriotism in a democracy demands the
sacrifice of selfish interests and the regeneration
of individual rights. Men of this stamp can be
made willing prisoners by able and aggressive leaders
whose achievements have given them personal authority
and whose practical programme is based upon a sound
knowledge of the necessary limits of immediate national
action. The disinterested and competent individual
is formed for constructive leadership, just as the
less competent and independent, but well-intentioned,
individual is formed more or less faithfully to follow
on behind. Such leadership, in a country whose
traditions and ideals are sincerely democratic, can
scarcely go astray.
The preceding section was concluded with a statement,
which the majority of its readers will find extremely
questionable and which assuredly demands some further
explanation. Suppose it to be admitted that individual
Americans do seek the increase of their individuality
by competent and disinterested special work.
In what way will such work and the sort of individuality
thereby developed exercise a decisive influence on
behalf of social amelioration? We have already
expressly denied that a desire to succor their fellow-countrymen
or an ideal of social reorganization is at the present
time a necessary ingredient in the make-up of these
formative individuals. Their individual excellence
has been defined exclusively in terms of high but special
technical competence; and the manner in which these
varied and frequently antagonistic individual performers
are to cooeperate towards socially constructive results
must still remain a little hazy. How are these
eminent specialists, each of whom is admittedly pursuing
unscrupulously his own special purpose, to be made