To BELT, v. a. to gird; to flog; to scourge.
BEN, adv. towards the inner apartments of a house. A room is generally called ben, and the kitchen but.
BEN-END, s. the ben-end of a house, the inner end of it.
BEN, BIN, s. a mountain.
BENE, BIEN, adj. wealthy; having abundance.
BENK, BINK, s. a bench; a seat.
BENORTH, prep. to the northward of.
BENSHIE, BENSHI, s. a fairy’s wife.
BENT, s. a coarse grass growing on sand-hills.
BERE, BEAR, s. barley.
BERN, s. a barn.
To BESEIK, v. a. to beseech; to entreat.
BESYNE, BYSIM, s. a bawd.
BESOUTH, prep, to the southward of.
BEST-MAN, s. groomsman; best-maid, the bridesmaid.
BETWEESH, prep, betwixt.
BEUCH, a branch; a bough.
BEVIE, s. a great fire.
To BEWRY, v. a. to pervert, to distort.
BIB, s. a piece of linen used to keep the breast of a child clean when feeding it.
BICK, s. a bitch; the female of the canine species.
To BICKER, v. a. to fight with stones as schoolboys; to run off quickly.
BICKER, BIQUOUR, s. a small wooden dish, made in the form of a washing-tub, the staves being alternately black and white.
To BIDE, BYDE, v. n. to wait for; to abide; to endure; to suffer.
To BIG, v. a. to build.
BIGGIN, BYGGYN, s. a building.
BIGGIT, part. pa. built.
BIKE, BEIK, BINK, s. a nest of wild bees or wasps.
BILGET, adj. bulged; swelling out.
BILLIE, BILLY, s. a companion; a comrade.
BINDWOOD, s. ivy.
BING, s. a heap; a pile of wood.
BIRD, BURD, s. a bird; a damsel; a lady.
BIRDIE, s. a little bird.
BIRK, s. a birch-tree.
To BIRK, v. n. to give a tart or sharp answer.
BIRKIN, adj. of or belonging to birch-wood.
BIRKY, s. a lively young man; a mettlesome person.
BIRL, v. n. to ply with drink; to club money for the purpose of purchasing drink.
BIRN, v. a. to burn.
BIRS, BIRSE, s. a bristle.
His birse is up, he is in a passion.
He’s a birsie man, he is
liable to be irritated easily.
To BIRSLE, v. a. to broil; to roast.
BIRSSY, adj. having bristles; hot-tempered.
To BIRZE, BRIZE, v. a. to bruise; to drive or push.
BISKET, BRISKET, s. the breast.
To BISSE, BIZZ, v. n. to make a hissing sound, as hot iron plunged into water.