ATWEESH, prep, between; betwixt.
AUGHT, pret. pa. possessed.
AUCHT, s. property; possession; that which is exclusively one’s own. In aw my aucht, all I am possessed of.
AUKWART, AWKWART, prep. across; athwart.
AULD-CLUITY, s. the devil.
AULDEST, adj. oldest; elder.
AULD, adj. old; aged.
AULD-MOU’D, adj. sagacious in discourse. Sometimes used as crafty.
AUMUS, s. an alms.
AVA, adv. at all.
AWA, adv. away.
AWFU’, adj. awful.
AWIN, AWYN, adj. own. This is the common pronoun in the south of Scotland; in other parts, ain.
AWNIE, adj. bearded.
AWNS, s. pl. the beards of corn or barley.
AWSK, s. the newt or eft.
AWSOME, adj. awful; appalling.
To AX, v. a. to ask.
AX-TREE, s. an axle-tree.
AYONT, prep. beyond.
AY, adv. yes.
BABIE, BAWBIE, s. a halfpenny.
BACHLE, BAUCHLE, s. an old shoe or slipper.
BACKLINS, adv. backwards. To gae backlins, to walk backwards, like a ropemaker.
BACKSPANG, s. a trick, or legal quirk; advantage taken by one over another.
To BACK-SPEIR, v. a. to trace a report as far back as possible; to cross-question.
BACK-SPEIRER, s. a cross-examiner.
BADE, pret. of bide.
BADRANS, BATHRONS, s. a designation for a cat.
To BAE, v. n. to bleat like sheep.
To BAFF, v. a. to beat.
BAFF, s. a stroke or blow.
BAIKIE, s. the stake to which a cow is fastened in the stall.
BAILIE, s. an alderman; the deputy of a baron in a borough of barony.
BAIR, BAR, s. a boar.
BAIRD, s. a bard or poet.
BAIRN, BARNE, s. a child.
BAIRNHEID, s. childhood.
BAIRNLY, adj. childish.
BAIRNLINESS, s. childishness.
BAIRNS-MAID, s. a nursery-maid.
BAIS, adj. having a deep or hollow sound: bass.
To BAYT, v. n. to feed.
BAISEE, BAIVIE, s. a large fire; a great blaze.
BAKE, s. a biscuit.
BAKSTER, BAXSTER, s. a baker.
BALD, BAULD, adj. bold; intrepid.
BALDERDASH, s. foolish noisy nonsense.
BALK, BURRAL, s. an elevated ridge, raised by a plough.
BALLANT, s. a ballad; a song.
BALOW, BALOO, s. a lullaby; a term used by nurses when lulling children.