AILEN, part. pa. ailing.
AIN, adj. own.
AINS, adv. once.
AIR, adv. early in the morning.
AIR, AIRE, AYR, s. an heir.
AIRMS, s. pl. arms.
AIRN, s. iron.
AIRT, AIRTH, s. point of the compass.
AISLAIR, adj. a polished substance.
AITS, s. pl. oats.
AITEN, adj. oaten.
AITH, s. an oath.
AIZLE, s. a hot ember.
ALANE, adj. alone.
ALANG, adv. along.
ALD, AULD, adj. old.
ALMOUS, AUMES, s. pl. alms.
AMAIST, adv. almost.
AMANG, prep. among.
AMBRY, s. a press or closet where victuals are kept for daily use.
AN’, conj. and.
ANE, adj. one.
ANENT, prep, over against; opposite.
ANETH, prep, beneath.
ANEUCH, adv. enough.
ANIEST, adv. or prep. on this side of; on the nearest side.
ANITHER, adj. another.
ANKERSTOCK, s. a loaf made of rye, sweetened with treacle.
ANSE, adv. once.
APERT, adj. brisk; bold; free.
APERTLY, adv. briskly; readily.
APON, APOUN, prep. upon.
APPARELLE, s. equipage; furniture for warfare.
APPLERINGIE, s. the plant called southernwood.
ARCH, adj. averse; reluctant.
To ARGLE-BARGLE, ARGIE-BARGIE, v. a. to contend; to bandy backwards and forwards.
ARK, s. a large chest used for holding meal or corn.
ARK of a Mill, s. the place in which the water-wheel moves.
To ARLE, v. a. to give earnest of any kind.
ARLES, s. earnest of any kind.
ARLY, adv. early.
ARMYN, ARMYNG; s. armour; arms.
ART and PART, accessory to, or abetting.
ASSE, s. ashes, plural assis and aiss.
ASSHOLE, s. place for receiving ashes under the grate.
ASCHET, s. a large plate, on which meat is brought to table.
ASK, AWSK, s. an eft or water newt; a lizard.
ASKLENT, ASCLENT, ASKLINT, adv. obliquely; asquint; on one side.
To ASSAILYIE, v. a. to attack, to assail.
To ASSOLYIE, v. a. to acquit.
ASTEER, adv. in confusion; in a bustle.
A’THEGITHER, adv. altogether.
ATHORT, prep, through, athwart.
ATOUR, ATTOURE, prep. over.
ATTOMIE, s. a skeleton.
ATTELED, part. pa. aimed.
ATTER-CAP, ATTIR-COP, s. 1. a spider; 2. an ill-tempered person; one of a malignant or virulent disposition.