THAIRBEN, adv. in an inner apartment of a house.
THAIRM, s. the belly.
THAN, adv. then; at that time.
THANE, THAYNE, s. an ancient Scottish title of honour, denoting presidency in a county or province.
THEE, THEY, s. thigh.
THEGITHER, adv. together.
To THEIK, v. a. to cover with straw; to thatch.
THEIVIL, s. a porridge-stick, or stick for stirring broth while boiling.
THEN, conj. than.
THEWLESS, THOULESS, THIEVLESS, adj. unprofitable; useless; feeble.
THICK, adj. intimate; familiar.
THIR, pron. pl. these.
THIRL, s. to bind; to enslave.
THIRLWALL, s. the name given to the wall between England and Scotland thrown up by Severus.
THO, adv. at that time.
To THOLE, v. n. to bear; to endure; to suffer.
THON, adv. yonder; yon.
THOUELL, s. the nitch in which the oars of a boat work.
THOUGHT, THOUGHTY, s. a moment.
To THOW, v. n. to thaw.
THOWLESS, adj. inactive.
To THRAPPLE, v. a. to throttle.
THRAW, s. a pang; an agony.
THRAW-CRUK, s. an instrument for twisting straw or hair ropes.
THRAWIN, part. adj. distorted.
To THREPE, v. n. to aver pertinaciously; to argue; to persist.
THRESUM, adj. three together.
THRETTY, adj. thirty.
THRIFTY, adj. industrious and economical.
THROPILL, THRAPILL, s. the windpipe.
THUD, s. a dull noise.
THUMBIKINS, s. an instrument of torture applied as a screw to the thumbs to force the sufferer to confess or divulge a secret, etc.
THUMBLICKING, s. an ancient mode of confirming a bargain by the parties licking their thumbs and then placing them against each other.
TIBBIE, s. Elizabeth.
TICK, TICKER, s. a dot.
To TICK, v. n. to click as a clock or watch.
TID, s. humour.
To TID, v. n. To choose the proper time.
TIFT, s. the act of quarrelling; a hasty fit of ill humour.
To TIG, v. n. to touch lightly; a game played by children.
TIKE, TYKE, s. a cur; a dog; a rough bad-tempered fellow.
TIL, TIYL, prep. to.
TILL, adv. while; during the time that.
TIME-ABOUT, adj. alternately.
TIMMER, s. timber.
TIMMER-TUNED, adj. unmusical; destitute of ear.
TINCHELL, TINCHEL, s. a circle of sportsmen, who, by surrounding an extensive space, gradually closing, bring a number of deer and game within a narrow compass.