To PUT-UPON, to impose upon; to take advantage of another’s weakness.
To PUT, v. n. to throw a heavy stone with the hand raised over the head.
PUTTING-STONE, s. a heavy stone used in the game of putting.
PYAT, PYOT, s. a magpie.
PYGS, s. pl. crockery ware; earthenware.
QUAICH, QUEYCH, QUEGH, s. a small shallow drinking cup, made of wood or silver, with two ears.
QUEET, CUTE, s. the ankle.
QUEINT, QUENT, adj. curious; wonderful.
QUENT, AQUENT, adj. acquainted; familiar.
QUEY, s. a two-year-old cow.
QUEYN, QUEAN, QUINE, s. a young woman.
QUHAIP, QUHAUP, WHAAP, s. a curlew.
To QUHEMLE, WHUMMIL, v. a. to turn upside down.
To QUHID, WHEED, v. a. move quickly.
QUHILK, pron. which; who.
QUHIRR, v. n. to make a sound like the wings of a partridge or grouse in the act of flying.
QUHYNE, QUHENE, WHEEN, adj. a few.
RA, RAE, s. a roe deer.
RACHE, s. a lurcher, or dog that finds and pursues his prey by the scent.
RACK, s. a shelved frame fixed to the wall for holding plates.
RACKLE-HANDED, adj. careless; rash.
RADE, RAID, s. an invasion; a violent attack.
RAIK, s. a single carrying of a thing from one place to another.
To RAIL, v. n. to jest.
RAIP, s. a rope.
RAISED, adj. excited; maddened.
RAIVEL, s. a rail.
RAMFEEZLED, part. adj. exhausted, fatigued.
RAMMER, s. a ramrod.
To RAMPAGE, v. n. to prance about in a furious manner, as exemplified in passion.
RAM-STAM, adj. forward; rash; thoughtless.
RANDY, RANDIE-BEGGAR, s. a beggar who endeavours to obtain alms by means of threats; a female scold.
RANDY, adj. quarrelsome.
RANTLE-TREE, s. a tall raw-boned person.
RAPEGYRNE, s. the ancient name given to the little figure made of the last handful of grain in the harvest-field, now called the maiden.
RAPLACH, RAPLOCH, s. coarse, homespun, undyed woollen cloth.
RASCH, RASH, s. a rush.
RASHY, adj. beset with rushes.
RATH, adj. strange or savage in aspect.
RATTAN, ROTTEN, s. a rat.
RAUCHAN, s. a plaid worn by men, formerly made of grey undyed wool.
RAUN, RAWN, s. roe of a fish.
RAUCLE, adj. rash.
To RAVE, v. a. to plunder by violence.