OUER, prep. over.
OULK, OWLK, s. a week.
OUR, OURE, OUER, OWRE, prep, over, beyond; denoting excess.
OURGAE, OURGANG, v. a. to overrun; exceed; to surpass.
OUR-RAUGHT, pret. overtook.
To OURSET, v. a. to overcome; to overpower.
OURTILL, prep, above; beyond.
OUSEN, s. oxen.
OUT-ABOUT, adv. out of doors.
OUTBREAKING, OUTBREKIN, s. eruption of the skin.
OUT-BY, adv. out of doors; abroad.
OUTFALL, s. a contention.
OUTGAIT, OUTGATE, s. a way of egress; escape from any kind of hardship.
OUTGANE, part. pa. elapsed.
OUTLAY, s. expenditure.
OUT-OUR, OUT-OWRE, adv. over.
OUTSHOT, s. a projection.
OUTSPECKLE, s. a laughing-stock.
OUTSPOKEN, s. free of speech; undisguised in conversation or opinion.
OUTSTRIKING, s. an eruption.
OUTWAILE, OUTWYLE, s. the refuse.
To OUTWAIR, v. a. to expend.
OUTWITH, prep, without; on the outer side or exterior; outwards; out from.
OVERLY, adj. careless.
OWKLY, adj. weekly.
OXTAR, OXTER, s. the armpit.
PACKMAN, s. a pedlar.
PADDOCK-STOOL, s. a toad-stool; agaricus in general.
PAFFLE, s. a small landed estate.
PAFFLER, s. a farmer of a small estate.
To PAIK, v. a.. to beat; to drub.
PAIKER, s. a causey-paiker, a street-walker.
PAILIN, PAILING, s. a fence of stakes.
PAINCHES, s. tripe.
PALAVER, s. idle talk.
To PALE, v. a. to make an incision in cheese to try its quality.
PALLACH, s. a porpoise; a lusty person.
PAND, s. a pledge.
PAN-KAIL, s. broth made of cole-worts, thickened with oatmeal.
PANNEL, s. one brought to the bar of a court for trial.
PAP-O’-THE-HASS, s. uvula.
PAPE, PAIP, s. the pope.
PAPEJAY, PAPINGAY, s. a parrot.
PARITCH, PARRITCH, s. hasty-pudding; oatmeal and water boiled together.
PARROT-COAL, s. cannel coal which burns clearly.
PARTAN, s. the common edible crab.
PARTICATE, s. a rood of land.
PARTRICK, PATRICK, s. a partridge.
PAT, pret. of put.
To PATTER, s. to mutter uninterruptedly.
PATTLE, PETTLE, s. a stick wherewith a ploughman clears away the earth which adheres to his plough.
PAUK, s. art; wile.