MYSELL, s. myself.
NA, NAE, adv. no; not.
NA, NE, conj. neither; nor,
NACHET, NACKET, s. an insignificant person. A little nacket, one of very diminutive size,
NAIG, s. a stallion; a riding horse,
NAIPRIE, s. table linen.
NANCY, NANNIE, s. Agnes.
NANE, adj. no; none.
NATHING, NAETHING, s. nothing.
NAYSAY, s. a refusal.
NEAR-GAWN, NEAR-BE-GAWN, adj. niggardly.
NEB, s. the bill of a fowl.
NEEBORS, s. neighbours.
NEER-DO-WEIL, s. a never-do-well.
NEFFIT, s. a pigmy; a very diminutive thing.
To NEIFFER, NIFFER, v. a. to exchange.
NEIPCE, s. a granddaughter.
NEIRS, s. pl. the kidneys.
NEIST, NIEST, adj. next; nearest.
NEIVE, NEIF, s. the fist.
NEVEW, NEVO, NEVOW, s. a nephew.
NEWFANGLED, fond of new things or persons.
To NICHER, v. n. to neigh; a loud coarse laugh.
NICHT, s. night. The nicht, tonight.
NICHTFA, s. twilight.
NICK-NACK, s. a gim-crack; small wares.
NIP, s. a small bit of anything.
To NIP, v. a. to carry off cleverly; to pinch.
NIPPIT, adj. niggardly
NO, adv. not.
NOB, s. a knob.
NOCHT, s. nothing.
NOLT, NOUT, s. black cattle; a stupid vulgar fellow.
NOO, s. now; at the present.
NOR, conj. than.
NORLAN, NORLAND, adj. belonging to the north country.
NORYSS, s. nurse.
NOUTHER, NOWTHIR, conj. neither.
NUIK, s. the corner.
OE, OYE, s. a grandson.
OERCOME, OURCOME, s. the overplus.
OHON! interj. alas!
OMNE-GATHERUM, s. a miscellaneous collection; an incongruous mass.
ONCOME, s. a fall of rain or snow.
ONGOINGS, s. pl. procedure.
ONKEND, part. adj. unknown.
ONSTEAD, s. the building on a farm.
ONY, adj. any.
OO, s. wool.
OORIE, OURIE, OWRIE, adj. chill; bleak; having the sensation of cold.
OR, conj. lest; than.
OR, adv. before, as Or this, before this time; rather than, Or than, before then.
ORROW, ORA, adj. unmatched; not used.
ORROWS, s. pl. supernumerary articles.
OSTLEIR, OSTLER, s. an innkeeper.
OTHIR, OTHERE, ODYR, adj. other.