The Exemplary Novels of Cervantes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 652 pages of information about The Exemplary Novels of Cervantes.

The Exemplary Novels of Cervantes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 652 pages of information about The Exemplary Novels of Cervantes.

The time had now arrived when the studies of his masters were completed, and they returned to their birthplace, which was one of the most important cities of Andalusia.  They took Rodaja with them, and he remained in their company for some time; but, assailed by a perpetual longing to return to his studies at Salamanca,—­a city that enchains the will of all who have tasted the amenities of life in that fair seat of learning—­he entreated permission of his masters to depart for that purpose.  With their usual kindness, they accorded him the favour he desired, and took such measures in his behalf that by their bounty he was supplied with a sufficiency to support him in the university for three years.

Rodaja took his leave with manifest proofs of gratitude, and departed from Malaga, for that was the native city of his masters, without further delay.  Descending the declivity of the Zambra on the road to Antequera, he chanced to encounter a gentleman on horseback, gaily accoutred in a rich travelling dress, and attended by two servants, also on horseback, whose company he joined; their journey thenceforward lay in the same direction, and the gentleman accepted Thomas as his comrade.[51] They discoursed of various matters, and, in a short time, Rodaja gave such proof of his quality as much delighted his fellow-traveller; while the latter, on his part, soon proved himself to be a kind and courteous man.  He told Rodaja that he was a captain of infantry in the service of the king, and that his ensign was then completing their company at Salamanca.  He praised the life of a soldier in the highest terms, describing, with much encomium, the many cities and other places visited by those who lead that life.  Among other themes of which he spoke were the beauty of Naples, the feasting and pleasures of Palermo, the rich abundance of Milan, and the frequent festivals held in other parts of Lombardy—­not omitting the good cheer of the numerous hostelries—­in the description of which he broke forth rapturously in the Tuscan language, discoursing of Macarela, Macarroni, and Polastri, with the most cordial goodwill.  He expatiated largely on the free enjoyment of life in Italy, and on the pleasures of the soldier’s life in general, which he exalted to the skies; but he did not say a word of the chilling night-watch, the perils of the assault, the terrors of battle, the hunger and privation endured in blockades and sieges, or the ruin caused by mines, with other matters of similar kind whereof he might have spoken, but which he passed over in silence—­although there are those who would consider such things as having something to do with the life of the soldier, not to call them its principal features.  In a word, he said so much on the subject, that the resolution of our Thomas Rodaja began to waver, and his inclination went near to fix itself on that life, which is so near a neighbour to death.

[51] Don Augustin de Arrieta, a Spanish commentator of our author, informs us that the camarada not only journeyed and lived with his companion of the way, but even slept in the same chamber, and not unfrequently in the same bed.

Project Gutenberg
The Exemplary Novels of Cervantes from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.