The Exemplary Novels of Cervantes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 652 pages of information about The Exemplary Novels of Cervantes.

The Exemplary Novels of Cervantes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 652 pages of information about The Exemplary Novels of Cervantes.
see how they could scrape together as much money as possible, and the best means that occurred to them was that suggested by Avendano’s approaching departure for Salamanca, where he had already studied for three years, and where his father wished him to complete his education, and take a degree in whatever faculty he pleased.  Carriazo now made known to his father that he had a strong desire to go with Avendano and study at Salamanca.  Don Diego gladly fell in with his son’s proposal; he talked with his friend Don Juan on the subject, and it was agreed between them that the two young men should reside together at Salamanca, and be sent thither well supplied with all requisites, and in a manner suitable to the sons of men of quality.

The time for their departure being arrived, they were furnished with money, and with a tutor who was more remarkable for integrity than for mother wit.  Their fathers talked much and impressively to their sons about what they should do, and how they should govern themselves, in order that they might become fraught with virtue and knowledge, for that is the fruit which every student should aspire to reap from his labours and his vigils, especially such as are of good family.  The sons were all humility and obedience; their mothers cried; both parents gave them their blessing, and away they went, mounted on their own mules, and attended by two servants of their respective households, besides the tutor, who had let his beard grow, to give him a more imposing air of gravity, as became his charge.

When they arrived at Valladolid, they told their tutor they should like to remain there a couple of days to see the city, having never been in it before.  The tutor severely reprimanded them for entertaining any such idle notion, telling them they had no time to lose in silly diversions; that their business was to get as fast as possible to the place where they were to pursue their studies; that he should be doing extreme violence to his conscience if he allowed them to stop for one hour, not to speak of two days; that they should continue their journey forthwith, or, if not, then brown bread should be their portion.

Such was the extent of the ability in his office possessed by this tutor, or major-domo, as we should rather call him.  The lads, who had already gathered in their harvest, since they had laid hands upon four hundred gold crowns which were in the major-domo’s keeping, begged that he would let them remain in Valladolid for that day only, that they might see the grand aqueducts, which were then in course of construction, for the purpose of conveying the waters of Argales to that city.  He consented at last, but with extreme reluctance, for he wished to avoid the expense of an additional day on the road, and to spend the night at Valdiastellas, whence he could easily reach Salamanca in two days.  But the bay horse thinks one thing, and the man on his back another thing, and so it proved in the major-domo’s

Project Gutenberg
The Exemplary Novels of Cervantes from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.