From John O'Groats to Land's End eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,027 pages of information about From John O'Groats to Land's End.

From John O'Groats to Land's End eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,027 pages of information about From John O'Groats to Land's End.
The instrument of God’s wrath began first to take hold in a tradesman’s worke-house ...  Then began the crye of fier to be spread through the whole towne man, woman and childe ran amazedly up and down the streetes, calling for water, so fearfully, as if death’s trumpet had sounded a command of present destruction.  The fier began between the hours of two and three in the afternoone, the wind blowing very strong, and increased so mightily that, in a very short space, the most part of the town, was tiered, which burned so extreamely, the weather being hot, and the houses dry, that help of man grew almost past ...  The reason the fier at the first prevailed above the strength of man was that it unfortunately happened in the time of harvest, when people were most busied in the reaping of their corne, and the towne most emptyest, but when this burnying Beacon of ruyne gave the harvestmen light into the field, little booted it to them to stay, but in more than reasonable hast poasted they homeward, not only for the safeguard of their goods and houses, but for the preservation of their wives and children, more dearer than all temporall estate or worldly abundance.  In like manner the inhabitantes of the neighbouring townes and villages, at the fearful sight of the red blazing element, ran in multitudes to assist them, proffering the dear venture of their lives to oppresse the rigour of the fier, but all too late they came, and to small purpose showed they their willing minds, for almost every streete was filled with flame, every place burning beyond help and recovery.  Their might they in wofull manner behold merchants’ warehouses full of riche commodities on a flaming fier, garners of breade corn consuming, multitudes of Wollen and Linnen Clothes burned into ashes, Gold and Silver melted with Brasse, Pewter and Copper, tronkes and chestes of Damaskes and fine linnens, with all manner of rich stuffs, made fewell to increase this universe sole conqueror....  The fierceness of the fier was such that it even burnet and scorchet trees as they grew, and converted their green liveries into black burned garments; not so much as Hearbes and Flowers flourishing in Gardynes, but were in a moment withered with the heat of the fier....  Dorchester was a famous towne, now a heap of ashes for travellers that passe by to sigh at.  Oh, Dorchester, wel maist thou mourn for those thy great losses, for never had English Towne the like unto thee....  A loss so unrecoverable that unlesse the whole land in pitty set to their devotions, it is like never to re-obtain the former estate, but continue like ruinated Troy, or decayed Carthage.  God in his mercy raise the inhabitants up againe, and graunt that by the mischance of this Towne both us, they and all others may repent us of our sins.  Amen.

It was computed that over three hundred houses were destroyed in this great fire; but the prayer of the writer of the pamphlet, as to the town’s being raised up again, had been granted.  The county of Dorset generally, lies in the sunniest part of England, and the town was now prospering and thoroughly healthy, the death-rate being well below the average:  did not the great Dr. Arbuthnot leave it in despair with the remark, “In Dorchester a physician can neither live nor die”?

Project Gutenberg
From John O'Groats to Land's End from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.