5. Khnum-Amon, Hatshepsu ii., Ma-ka-Ra
his sister (more than 16 years).
6. Ra-men-Kheper, Thothmes iii., her brother
(57 years, 11 months, 1 day,
from March
20, B.C. 1503 to Feb. 14,
B.C. 1449).
7. Aa-khepru-Ra, Amon-hotep ii., his son
(more than 5 years).
8. Men-khepru-Ra, Thothmes iv., his son
(more than 7 years).
9. Neb-ma-Ra, Amon-hotep iii., his son (more
Amenophis ii.
than 35 years), and queen
10. Nefer-khepru-Ra, Amon-hotep iv., Khu-n-Aten
(also called Khuriya), his
(more than 17 years).
11. Ankh-khepru-Ra and queen Meri-Aten. Akherres.
12. Tut-ankh-Amon Khepru-neb-Ra, and queen
13. Aten-Ra-nefer-nefru-mer-Aten. ...
14. Ai kheper-khepru-ar-ma-Ra, and queen
Thi (more than 4 years).
15. Hor-m-hib Mi-Amon Ser-khepru-ka (more
than 3 years).
Dynasty xix.—
1. Men-pehuti-Ra, Ramessu I. (more than 2 years). Ramesses.
2. Men-ma-Ra, Seti I., Mer-n-Ptah I. (more than
27 years), his son.
3. User-ma-Ra, Sotep-n-Ra, Ramessu ii.,
Mi-Amon ...
(B.C. 1348-1281), his son.
4. Mer-n-Ptah ii., Hotep-hi-ma Ba-n-Ra,
Mi-Amon, Ammenephthes.
his son.
5. User-khepru-Ra, Seti ii., Mer-n-Ptah
iii., his Sethos Ramesses.
6. Amon-mesu Hik-An Mer-Kha-Ra Sotep-n-Ra, usurper. Amenemes.
7. Khu-n-Ra Sotep-n-Ra, Mer-n-Ptah iv.,
Si-Ptah Thuoris.
(more than 6 years), and queen
Dynasty xx.—
1. Set-nekht, Merer-Mi-Amon (recovered the kingdom from the Phoenician Arisu).
2. Ramessu iii., Hik-An, his son (more than 32 years).
3. Ramessu iv., Hik-Ma Mi-Amon (more than 11 years).
4. Ramessu V., User-Ma-s-Kheper-n-Ra Mi-Amon (more than 4 years).
5. Ramessu vi., Neb-ma-Ra Mi-Amon Amon-hir-khopesh-f (Ramessu Meri-Tum, a rival king in Northern Egypt).
6. Ramessu vii., At-Amon User-ma-Ra Mi-Amon.
7. Ramessu viii., Set-hir-khopesh-f Mi-Amon User-ma-Ra Khu-n-Amon.
8. Ramessu ix., Si-Ptah S-kha-n-Ra Mi-Amon (19 years).
9. Ramessu X., Nefer-ka-Ra Mi-Amon Sotep-n-Ra (more than 10 years).
10. Ramessu xi, Amon-hir-khopesh-f Kheper-ma-Ra Sotep-n-Ra.
11. Ramessu xii., Men-ma-Ra Mi-Amon Sotep-n-Ptah Kha-m-Uas (more than 27 years).
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