221. What determines Accent?
The usage of our best speakers and writers
of the present.
222. To whom does it belong to determine
and record such usage?
The Lexicographers.
223. Are there any cases in which we
can trace the reason for the
There are; in discriminating accent where
it is used to determine
parts of speech.
224. Do we ever have two sets of Antitheses
in the same sentence?
We do; as each member may contain an antithesis.
225. Give an example.
John was hurt; William escaped.
226. How many sets of Antitheses may
be used in one sentence?
Often three; but seldom more.
227. Should there be any difference
in the tone of voice used in
verse and prose?
There should be a difference.
228. What different style ought to
be used?
The monotone and rising inflection are
more frequently used in
than in prose.
229. What is the greatest difficulty
met with in reading or
poetic selections?
In giving it that measured flow which
distinguishes it from prose,
falling into a continued monotone.
230. What is a good method to break
up this habit?
Reduce the selection to prose, and deliver
it in an earnest,
231. Why should there be a short pause
at the end of each line of
even where the sense does not require it?
In order that the measure of the
poem may be more perceptible to
232. What is it that constitutes the
melody of a poem?
The pauses and accents chiefly.
233. What rule should govern the reader
in the use of pauses and
Use variety, and not make them too prominent.
234. What tone of voice should be used
in reading a Simile in
The simile should be read in a lower tone
than the rest of the
235. What, with regard to the voice,
is an important object to
speaker and reader?
The important object is to have a full,
even tone of voice.
236. What key of the voice should be
most diligently improved?
The natural key, or that which is used
237. What is meant by the natural key
or pitch?
That which is peculiar to the individual,
and in which he can use
easily to himself, and most agreeably to others.
238. How can the natural tone of voice
be strengthened?
By reading and speaking as loud as possible,
without suffering the
to rise into a higher key.
239. What is the best method of strengthening
the natural key?
By speaking and reading strong, animated
passages in a small room.