106. What is the signification of Im?
More than one, as cherubim.
107. What does Ina signify?
Feminine, as Czarina.
108. What does Ing signify?
Continuing, as singing, etc.
109. What is the signification of Ior?
More, as superior.
110. What does Ique signify?
Belonging to, as antique.
111. What is the signification of Ish?
Like, as boyish, girlish, etc.
112. What does Isk signify?
Little, as asterisk, etc.
113. What does Ite signify?
That which, as appetite.
114. What does Ive signify?
Able to do, as adhesive, etc.
115. What does Ion signify?
State or act, as location.
116. What does Ism signify?
Doctrine, as Calvinism, etc.
117. What does Ix signify?
Feminine of nouns, as testatrix.
118. What does Kin signify?
A son of, or little, as lambkin.
119. What does Kind signify?
Race, as mankind.
120. What does Less signify?
Without, as guiltless, breathless, etc.
121. What does Ling signify?
Young, as duckling, etc.
122. What does Ly signify?
Like, or in a manner, as manly, calmly,
123. What does Most signify?
Greatest or furthest, as hindmost.
124. What does Ment signify?
State or act, as settlement, judgment,
125. What does Ness signify?
The quality of, or state of, as whiteness,
126. What does Ock signify?
Small or young, as hillock, bullock, etc.
127. What does Oid signify?
Likeness, as spheroid, etc.
128. What does Or signify?
One who, as actor, director, etc.
129. What does Ory signify?
Having the quality of, as vibratory, etc.
130. What does On signify?
Large, as million, etc.
131. What does Ous signify?
Having the quality of, as solicitous.
132. What does Ot signify?
Little, as idiot.
133. What does Re signify?
Same as Er, as it is another form
of it.
134. What does Red signify?
Those who, as kindred, etc.
135. What is the signification of Ress?
Feminine of nouns, as instructress.
136. What does Ric signify?
Office of, as bishopric.
137. What does Ry signify?
Place where, or things collectively.
138. What does Se signify?
To make, as cleanse.