2. What is an Italic letter?
A form of oblique letters derived from
the Italians.
3. What is Rule 1 for the use of Capitals?
Title pages and headings of chapters should
be entirely in capitals.
4. Give Rule 2.
The first word of every book, tract, essay,
letter, etc., should
with a capital.
5. Give Rule 3.
The first word of every sentence should
begin with a capital.
6. Give Rule 4.
Clauses separately numbered should begin
with a capital.
7. Give Rule 5.
The first word after an interrogation
point should usually begin
a capital.
8. Give Rule 6.
The first word of a clause, or sentence,
given as an example,
begin with a capital.
9. Give Rule 7.
In quoting a title of a book, each important
word of the title
begin with a capital.
10. Give Rule 8.
First word of a direct question should
begin with a capital.
11. Give Rule 9.
The first word of a direct quotation should
begin with a capital.
12. Give Rule 10.
All letters used as numerals should be
written or printed in
13. Give Rule 11.
The pronoun I should always be a capital.
14. Give Rule 12.
The vocative particle O should always
be a capital.
15. Give Rule 13.
The first word of every line of poetry
should begin with a capital.
16. Give one exception to Rule 13.
In humorous poetry, when a word is divided
at the end of a
the detached syllable at the beginning of the next
begin with a small letter.
17. Give Rule 14.
All names and titles of the Deity should
begin with a capital.
18. Give Rule 15.
All proper names should begin with a capital.
19. Give Rule 16.
All words derived from proper nouns should
begin with a capital.
20. Give Rule 17.
Titles of honor and distinction should
begin with capitals.
21. Give Rule 18.
The words father, mother, sister, brother,
aunt, etc.,
followed by a proper noun, should always begin with
22. Give Rule 19.
All words referring to the Bible should
begin with a capital.
23. Give Rule 20.
All proper adjectives should begin with
a capital.
24. Give Rule 21.
The names of famous events, historical
eras, noted documents,
should begin with a capital.
25. What establishes a rule for Capitals?
Good usage, or custom.