224. Glass-blowers, wall-scene, Twelfth Dynasty
225-6. Parti-cloured glass vases
227. Parti-coloured glass vase
228. Glass goblets of Nesikhonsu
229. Hippopotamus in blue glaze
230-1. Theban glazed ware
232. Cup, glazed ware
233. Interior decoration of bowl, Eighteenth Dynasty
234. Lenticular vase, glazed ware, Saite period
235. Tiled chamber in Step Pyramid of Sakkarah
236. Tile from same
237. Tile, Tell el Yahudeh, Twentieth Dynasty
238. Tile, Tell el Yahudeh, Twentieth Dynasty
239. Inlaid tiles, Tell el Yahudeh, Twentieth Dynasty
240-1. Relief tiles, Tell el Yahudeh, Twentieth Dynasty
242. Spoon
243. Wooden statuette of officer, Eighteenth Dynasty
244. Wooden statuette of priest, Eighteenth Dynasty
245. Wooden statuette of Nai
246-54. Wooden perfume and unguent spoons
255. Fire-sticks, bow, and unfinished drill-stock, Twelfth Dynasty
256. Dolls, Twelfth Dynasty
257. Tops, tip-cat, and toy boat, Twelfth Dynasty
258-60. Chests
261. Construction of a mummy-case, wall-scene, Eighteenth Dynasty
262. Mask of Twenty-first Dynasty coffin of Rameses II
263. Mummy-case of Queen Ahmesnefertari
264. Panel portrait from the Fayum, Graeco-Roman
265. Carved and painted mummy-canopy
266. Canopied mummy-couch, Graeco-Roman
267. Mummy-sledge and canopy
268. Inlaid chair, Eleventh Dynasty
269. Inlaid stool, Eleventh Dynasty
270. Throne-chair, wall-scene, Twentieth Dynasty
271. Women weaving, wall-scene, Twelfth Dynasty
272. Man weaving carpet or hangings, wall-scene, Twelfth Dynasty
273. Cut leather work, Twenty-first Dynasty
274-5. Barks with cut leather-work sails, Twentieth Dynasty
276-7. Bronze jug
278. Unguent vase, or spoon (lamp for suspension?)
279. Bronze statuette of Takushet
280. Bronze statuette of Horus
281. Bronze statuette of Mosu
282. Bronze lion from Horbeit, Saite period
283. Gold-worker, wall-scene
284. Golden cup of General Tahuti, Eighteenth Dynasty
285. Silver vase of Thmuis
286. Silver vase of Thmuis
287. Piece of plate, wall-scene, Twentieth Dynasty
288-95. Plate, wall-scenes, Eighteenth Dynasty
296. Signet-ring, with bezel
297. Gold cloisonne pectoral, Dahshur, Twelfth Dynasty
298. Mirror of Queen Aahhotep, Eighteenth Dynasty
299-300. Bracelets of same
301. Diadem of same
302. Gold Usekh of same
303. Gold pectoral of same