Manual of Egyptian Archaeology and Guide to the Study of Antiquities in Egypt eBook

Gaston Maspero
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 305 pages of information about Manual of Egyptian Archaeology and Guide to the Study of Antiquities in Egypt.

Manual of Egyptian Archaeology and Guide to the Study of Antiquities in Egypt eBook

Gaston Maspero
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 305 pages of information about Manual of Egyptian Archaeology and Guide to the Study of Antiquities in Egypt.

96-101.  Decorative designs from Denderah

102.  Decorative group of Nile gods

103.  Dado decoration, hall of Thothmes III., Karnak

104.  Ceiling decoration, tomb of Bakenrenf, Twenty-sixth Dynasty

105.  Zodiacal circle of Denderah

106.  Frieze of uraei and cartouches

107.  Wall-scene from temple of Denderah

108.  Obelisk of Heliopolis, Twelfth Dynasty

109.  Obelisk of Begig, Twelfth Dynasty

110.  “Table of offerings” from Karnak

111.  Limestone altar from Menshiyeh

112.  Wooden naos, in Turin Museum

113.  A mastaba

114.  False door in mastaba

115.  Plan of forecourt, mastaba of Kaaepir

116.  Plan of forecourt, mastaba of Neferhotep

117.  Door in mastaba facade

118.  Portico and door of mastaba

119.  Plan of chapel, mastaba of Khabiusokari

120.  Plan of chapel, mastaba of Ti

121.  Plan of chapel, mastaba of Shepsesptah

122.  Plan of chapel, mastaba of Affi

123.  Plan of chapel, mastaba of Thenti

124.  Plan of chapel, mastaba of Red Scribe

125.  Plan of chapel, mastaba of Ptahhotep

126.  Stela in mastaba of Merruka

127.  Wall-scene from mastaba of Ptahhotep

128.  Wall-scene from mastaba of Urkhuu

129.  Wall-scene from mastaba of Ptahhotep

130.  Plan of serdab in mastaba at Gizeh

131.  Plan of serdab and chapel in mastaba of Rahotep

132.  Plan of serdab and chapel in mastaba of Thenti

133.  Section of mastaba showing shaft and vault, at Gizeh

134.  Section of mastaba, at Sakkarah

135.  Wall-scene from mastaba of Nenka

136.  Section of Great Pyramid

137.  The Step Pyramid of Sakkarah

138.  Plan and section of pyramid of Unas

139.  Portcullis and passage, pyramid of Unas

140.  Section of pyramid of Unas

141.  Mastabat el Faraun

142.  Pyramid of Medum

143.  Section of passage and vault in pyramid of Medum

144.  Section of “vaulted” brick pyramid, Abydos, Eleventh Dynasty

145.  Section of “vaulted” tomb, Abydos

146.  Plan of tomb, Abydos

147.  Theban tomb with pyramidion, wall-scene, tomb at Sheikh Abd el Gurneh

148.  Similar tomb

149.  Section of Apis tomb, Eighteenth Dynasty

150.  Tombs in cliff opposite Asuan

151.  Facade of rock-cut tomb of Khnumhotep, Beni Hasan, Twelfth Dynasty

152.  Facade of rock-cut tomb, Asuan

153.  Plan of tomb of Khnumhotep, Beni Hasan, Twelfth Dynasty

154.  Plan of unfinished tomb, Beni Hasan, Twelfth Dynasty

155.  Wall-scene, tomb of Manna, Nineteenth Dynasty

156.  Plan of tomb of Rameses IV.

Project Gutenberg
Manual of Egyptian Archaeology and Guide to the Study of Antiquities in Egypt from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.