Grenfell, Major-General Sir F., 149 (note), and 209 (note).
Greyhound, in drawings, 176.
Griffith, F. Ll., 200 (note), 262 (note).
Grindstone, 247.
Gum tragacanth, 203.
Gurneh, 60.
Gypsum, 203.
Hadrian, 243, 245 (note).
Hairpins, 277.
Hammamat, valley of, 41.
Hammer, 195, 313.
Hapi, genius, 258 (note).
(see TOMB).
(see GODS).
Hatshepsut (Hatasu), 42, 77, 85, 104, 105, 109 and
note, 296 (note), 313
Hawara, 257, 291.
Hawk, 254, 259, 267, 322, 326.
Haworth, Mr. Jesse, 296 (note).
Headrest, 128, 166, 277.
Hedgehog, 254, 267.
Hekalli, 144.
Heliopolis, 26, 32, 103, 104, 309.
Helwan, dam at baths of, 40.
Hematite, 247, 250.
Beit el Wally, 84, 205 (note), 235.
Deir el Bahari, 83, 85.
Derr, 84.
Gerf Husein, 85.
Wady Sabuah, 85.
Herhor, 158, 261, 288.
Hermopolis, 209.
Herodotus, 38, 39-40, 88, 195.
Hesi, 210.
Hieroglyphs, 55, 60, 180, 236, 257, 261-2 and note,
268, 270, 284, 285,
300, 316, 325.
Hippopotamus, 189, 236.
Hittites, 31, 185.
(see KHETA).
Honey, 203, 254.
Hophra, the biblical, 269.
Hor Horus
(see GODS).
Hor, portrait statue of one, 242.
Horbeit, 311, 312.
Horemheb, 50, 52, 53, 82, 155, 158, 179-80, 205, 231,
232, 233.
(see TOMB).
Hori Ra, wooden statuette of, 275.
Hori, scribe, ushabtiu of, 257.
Horn, objects in, 272.
Horse, date of introduction of, 153-4.
Horshesu, 64 and note. 207.
(see GODS).
Horuta, 257.
Houses, 1-20.
(see TOMB).
Hunefer, his papyrus, 173-4.
Huts, 20, 8.
Hyksos sphinxes
(see PERIOD).
Hypostyle hall, 72, 74, 76, 89, 92, 102, 106.
Abu Simbel, 84.
Abydos, 60, 85-6.
Gurneh, 60.
Kalaat Addah, 82.
Karnak, 34 (note), 46, 57, 60, 62-3,76,
78, 79, 100.
temple of Khonsu, 71.
Medinet Habu, 60.
Ramesseum, 57, 60.
Ibis, 259.
Ibrahim, Prince, 240.
Illahun, 39, 143.
Incense, 95, 126, 273.
Ink, black, 4, 170, 193, 285.
red, 44, 170, 171, 193, 285.
Inscriptions, absence of in Temple of Sphinx, 66.
obelisk, 313 and note.
pyramid of Unas, 163.
sarcophagi, 127, 157, 165.
tombs, 141-2, 151, 155-6.
Iron, 195-7, 304.
Irrigation, 35, 37-41.
Isiemkheb, 180, 299-300.
Italy, Egyptian patterns in, 320.
Ivory, 272, 273-4, 283.
Jade, 254.
Jasper, 247, 250.
Jewellery, 249, 321-33.
Jews, 303.
Jomard, 55.