Manual of Egyptian Archaeology and Guide to the Study of Antiquities in Egypt eBook

Gaston Maspero
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 305 pages of information about Manual of Egyptian Archaeology and Guide to the Study of Antiquities in Egypt.

Manual of Egyptian Archaeology and Guide to the Study of Antiquities in Egypt eBook

Gaston Maspero
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 305 pages of information about Manual of Egyptian Archaeology and Guide to the Study of Antiquities in Egypt.

  in houses, 17. 
Garden, of private house, 13, 14, 15. 
Garnet, 246.
  scarabaei of, 250. 
Gazelle, 123, 128, 153, 171, 176, 180, 252. 
Gebel Abufeydeh, 44, 45. 
Gebel Barkal
    (see TEMPLES). 
Gebel Sheikh Herideh, 45. 
Gebel Silsileh
    (see TEMPLES). 
Gebeleyn, 33, 256. 
Geese, 15, 19, 166, 171, 177, 296, 306. 
Genii, 159, 164, 258 (note).
  of On, Sop, and Khonu, 96, 324. 
Gerf Husein, 85. 
Girgeh, 14, 38. 
Gizeh, Museum, 4, 106, 107, 171, 174, 195, 214, 216-26, 227, 229, 232-3,
        237, 239, 241, 242, 244, 262, 265, 267, 268, 271, 273, 274, 275,
        278, 286, 298, 301, 306, 307, 308, 309, 315, 316, 323-30, 331. 
Glass, 259-65.
  factories, at El Kab, the Ramesseum, Tell el Amarna, Tell Eshmuneyn, 265.
  factory at Tell Gemayemi, 262 (note). 
Glazed stone and ware, 165-72
    (see POTTERY). 
Goat, 176. 
  Amen, 33, 97, 101, 104, 105, 109, 171, 231, 232, 249, 268, 289, 307, 315,
  Amen Ra, 96. 
  Anhur, 311. 
  Anubis, 168, 304. 
  Apis, 147, 263. 
  Bes, 53, 57, 254, 277, 318. 
  Harpocrates, 307. 
  Hor (Horus), 96, 105. 
  Horus (Hor), 64, 96, 105, 207, 259, 267, 309-10, 314. 
  Khonsu, 60, 64, 70, 72, 74, 75, 97, 109 and note, 235. 
  Mentu, 97, 329. 
  Min, 118. 
  Nefertum, 310, 314. 
  Osiris, 20, 53, 54, 95, 142, 168, 189, 237, 249, 304. 
  Ptah, 168, 315. 
  Ra, 208, 327. 
  Ra Harmakhis, 105. 
  Seb, 324. 
  Set (Typhon), 96, 196. 
  Shu, 311. 
  Thoth, 96, 118, 167, 259, 314. 
  Tum, 105. 
  Apet, 237 (note). 
  Bast, 168, 311. 
  Hathor, 53, 54, 55, 61, 62, 69, 70, 82, 83, 97, 168, 237. 
  Isis, 95, 241, 247, 249, 250, 287, 294, 310, 314. 
  Khuit, 259. 
  Ma, 262, 294. 
  Maut, 97, 289. 
  Neith, 250. 
  Nekheb, 92. 
  Nephthys, 237, 249, 250, 287, 294, 310. 
  Pakhet, 42, 82. 
  Sekhet, 250, 277, 311. 
  Sothis, 118. 
  Taurt, 237 (note). 
  Tefnut, 311. 
  Thueris, 237. 
  Uati, 92. 
Gold, 11, 304, 312-21. 
Goldsmith, 313. 
Golenischeff, 228. 
Gouge, 195. 
Granaries, 1, 10, 36. 
Granite, 6, 47, 66, 76, 103, 132, 136, 137, 169,196, 197, 199, 214, 247,
        254, 290.
  black, 42, 165, 233.
  grey, 41, 236, 244.
  red, 42, 52, 65, 77, 107, 127, 165, 232, 236. 
Grapes, models, 166, 267. 
  Egyptian fortification in time of, 34. 
  Egyptian patterns among, 320.
  their imitation scarabs, 248.
  their influence on astronomical tables, 93.
  their influence on columns, 56.
  their influence on jewellery, 332.
  their influence on sculpture, 241-4.
  their peripteral temples, 69.
  their similar system of building construction, 48.
  their theory of mounds, 5. 

Project Gutenberg
Manual of Egyptian Archaeology and Guide to the Study of Antiquities in Egypt from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.