The Voyage Out eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 517 pages of information about The Voyage Out.

The Voyage Out eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 517 pages of information about The Voyage Out.
end of the bedstead.  Ice-cold at first, it soon became as hot as the palm of her hand, and as the pains in her head and body and the instability of the floor proved that it would be far more intolerable to stand and walk than to lie in bed, she got into bed again; but though the change was refreshing at first, the discomfort of bed was soon as great as the discomfort of standing up.  She accepted the idea that she would have to stay in bed all day long, and as she laid her head on the pillow, relinquished the happiness of the day.

When Helen came in an hour or two later, suddenly stopped her cheerful words, looked startled for a second and then unnaturally calm, the fact that she was ill was put beyond a doubt.  It was confirmed when the whole household knew of it, when the song that some one was singing in the garden stopped suddenly, and when Maria, as she brought water, slipped past the bed with averted eyes.  There was all the morning to get through, and then all the afternoon, and at intervals she made an effort to cross over into the ordinary world, but she found that her heat and discomfort had put a gulf between her world and the ordinary world which she could not bridge.  At one point the door opened, and Helen came in with a little dark man who had—­it was the chief thing she noticed about him—­very hairy hands.  She was drowsy and intolerably hot, and as he seemed shy and obsequious she scarcely troubled to answer him, although she understood that he was a doctor.  At another point the door opened and Terence came in very gently, smiling too steadily, as she realised, for it to be natural.  He sat down and talked to her, stroking her hands until it became irksome to her to lie any more in the same position and she turned round, and when she looked up again Helen was beside her and Terence had gone.  It did not matter; she would see him to-morrow when things would be ordinary again.  Her chief occupation during the day was to try to remember how the lines went: 

     Under the glassy, cool, translucent wave,
     In twisted braids of lilies knitting
       The loose train of thy amber dropping hair;

and the effort worried her because the adjectives persisted in getting into the wrong places.

The second day did not differ very much from the first day, except that her bed had become very important, and the world outside, when she tried to think of it, appeared distinctly further off.  The glassy, cool, translucent wave was almost visible before her, curling up at the end of the bed, and as it was refreshingly cool she tried to keep her mind fixed upon it.  Helen was here, and Helen was there all day long; sometimes she said that it was lunchtime, and sometimes that it was teatime; but by the next day all landmarks were obliterated, and the outer world was so far away that the different sounds, such as the sounds of people moving overhead, could only be ascribed to their cause by a great effort of memory.  The recollection of what she had felt, or of what she had been doing and thinking three days before, had faded entirely.  On the other hand, every object in the room, and the bed itself, and her own body with its various limbs and their different sensations were more and more important each day.  She was completely cut off, and unable to communicate with the rest of the world, isolated alone with her body.

Project Gutenberg
The Voyage Out from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.