234. To rost Larks with Bacon.
When your Larks are pull’d and drawn, wash them and spit them with a thin slice of Bacon and a Sage Leaf between the Legs of every one, make your Sauce with the Juice of Oranges and a little Claret Wine, and some Butter, warm them together, and serve them up with it.
235. To make Sauce for Quails.
Take some Vine Leaves dried before the fire in a dish and mince them, then put some Claret Wine and a little Pepper and Salt to it, and a piece of Butter, and serve them with it.
This Sauce is also for rosted Pigeons.
236. To rost a whole Pig without the Skin, with a Pudding in his Belly.
Make ready the Pig for the Spit, then spit it and lay it down to the fire, and when you can take off the Skin, take it from the fire and flay it, then put such a Pudding as you love into the Belly of it, then sew it up, and stick it with Thyme and Limon Pill, and lay it down again, and rost it and bast it with Butter, and set a Dish under it to catch the Gravie, into which put a little sliced Nutmeg, and a little Vinegar, and a little Limon and some Butter; heat them together: when your Pig is enough, bread it, but first froth it up with Butter and a little Salt, then serve it in with this Sauce to the Table with the Head on.
237. To fry Artichokes.
Take the bottoms of Artichokes tenderly boiled, and dip them in beaten Eggs and a little Salt, and fry them with a little Mace shred among the Eggs; then take Verjuice, Butter and Sugar, and the Juice of an Orange, Dish your Artichokes, and lay on Marrow fried in Eggs to keep it whole, then lay your Sauce, or rather pour it on, and serve them in.
238. To make Toasts of Veal.
Take a rosted Kidney of Veal, cold and minced small, put to it grated bread, Nutmeg, Currans, Sugar and Salt, with some Almonds blanched and beaten with Rosewater, mingle all these together with beaten Eggs and a little Cream, then cut thin slices of white Bread, and lay this Compound between two of them, and so fry them, and strew Sugar on them, and serve them in.
239. To make good Pancakes.
Take twenty Eggs with half the Whites, and beat them well and mix them with fine flower and beaten Spice, a little Salt, Sack, Ale, and a little Yeste, do not make your Batter too thin, then beat it well, and let it stand a little while to rise, then fry them with sweet Lard or with Butter, and serve them in with the Juice of Orange and Sugar.
240. To fry Veal.
Cut part of a Leg of Veal into thin slices, and hack them with the back of a Knife, then season them with beaten Spice and Salt, and lard them well with Hogs Lard, then chop some sweet herbs, and beat some Eggs and mix together and dip them therein, and fry them in Butter, then stew them with a little white Wine and some Anchovies a little while, then put in some Butter, and shake them well, and serve them in with sliced Limon over them.