The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 219 pages of information about The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet.

The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 219 pages of information about The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet.

131. To make a Pumpion Pie.

Take a Pumpion, pare it, and cut it in thin slices, dip it in beaten Eggs and Herbs shred small, and fry it till it be enough, then lay it into a Pie with Butter, Raisins, Currans, Sugar and Sack, and in the bottom some sharp Apples; when it is baked, butter it and serve it in.

132. To make an Artichoke Pudding.

Boil a quart of Cream with whole Spice, then put in half a pound of sweet Almonds blanched, and beaten with Rosewater; when they have boiled well, take it from the fire, and take out the Spice, when it is almost cold, put in the yolks of ten Eggs, some Marrow and some bottoms of Artichokes, then sweeten it with Sugar and put in a little Salt, then butter a Dish, and bake it in it, serve it to the Table stuck full of blanched Almonds, and fine Sugar strewed over it.

133. To pickle Sprats like Anchovies.

Take a Peck of the biggest Sprats without their heads, and salt them a little over night, then take a Pot or Barrel, and lay in it a Lay of Bay salt, and then a lay of Sprats, and a few Bay leaves, then salt again; thus do till you have filled the Vessel, put in a little Limon Pill also among your Bay leaves, then cover the Vessel and pitch it, that no Air get in, set it in a cool Cellar, and once in a week turn it upside down; in three Months you may eat of them.

134. To keep Artichokes all the Year.

Gather your Artichokes with long stalks, and then cut off the stalks close to them, then boil some water, with good Pears and Apples sliced thin, and the Pith of the great stalks, and a Quince or two quartered to give it a relish; when these have boiled a while, put in your Artichokes, and boil all together till they be tender, then take them up and set them to cool, then boil your Liquor well and strain it, when your Artichokes be cold, put them into your Barrel, and when the Liquor is cold, pour it over them, so cover it close that no Air get in.

135. To make Pasty of a Joll of Ling.

Make your Crust with fine Flower, Butter, cold Cream, and two yolks of

Roul it thin and lay it in your Bake-pan, then take part of a Joll of Ling well boiled, and pull it all in Bits, then lay some Butter into your Pasty and then the Ling, then some grated Nutmeg, sliced Ginger, Cloves and Mace, Oysters, Muscles, Cockles, and Shrimps, the yolks of raw Eggs, a few Comfits perfumed, Candied Orange Pill, Citron Pill, and Limon Pill, with Eringo Roots: 

Then put in white Wine, and good store of Butter, and put on a thick lid, when it is baked, open it, and let out the steam.

136. To make French Servels.

Take cold Gammon of Bacon, fat and lean together, cut it small as for Sausages, season it with Pepper, Cloves and Mace, and a little Shelots, knead it into a Paste with the yolks of Eggs, and fill some Bullocks Guts with it, and boil them; but if you would have them to keep, then do not put in Eggs.

Project Gutenberg
The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.