The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 219 pages of information about The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet.

The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 219 pages of information about The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet.

53. To make Syrrop of Ale, good for weak People to take inwardly, or to heal old Sores, applied thereto.

Take two Gallons of Ale Wort, the strongest you can get, so soon as it is run from the Grounds, set it on the fire in a Pipkin, and let it boil gently and that you do perceive it to be as though it were full of Rags; run it through a strainer, and set it on the fire again, and let it boil until it be thick, and scum it clean, and when it is much wasted, put it into a lesser Pan to boil, or else it will burn; when it is thick enough, take it off, and when it is cold, put it into Gallipots, take as much as a Walnut fasting; and as much when you go to bed.

54. To make whipt Sillibub.

Take half a Pint of Rhenish Wine or white Wine, put it into a Pint of Cream, with the Whites of three Eggs, season it with Sugar, and beat it as you do Snow-Cream, with Birchen Rods, and take off the Froth as it ariseth, and put it into your Pot, so do till it be beaten to a Froth, let it stand two or three hours till it do settle, and then it will eat finely.

55. To make Raisin Wine or Stepony.

Take four Gallons of Spring-water, four pounds of Raisins of the Sun stoned, the juice of four good Limons, and the Rind of two cut thin, boil the Raisins, and Pill in the Water for half an hour or more, then put in the juice of Limon, and a little Spice, Sugar and Rosewater, and let it stand but a little more over the fire; then put it into an earthen pot, and beat it together till it be cold, then bottle it up, it will keep but a few days.

Memorandum, Two pounds of Sugar to one pound of Cowslips is enough for Conserve.

56. To boil Samphire.

Take Water and Salt so strong as will bear an Egg, boil it, and when it boils, put in your Samphire unwashed, and let it scald a little, then take it off, and cover it so close that no Air can get in, and set the Pot upon a cold Wisp of Hay, and so let it stand all night, and it will be very green, then put it up for your use.

57. To make Cabbage Cream.

Take twenty five Quarts of new Milk, set it on the fire till it be ready to boil, stir it all the while that it creams not, then pour it into twenty several Platters so fast as you can, when it is cold, take off the Cream with a Skimmer, and lay it on a Pie Plate in the fashion of a Cabbage, crumpled one upon another, do thus three times, and between every Layer you must mingle Rosewater and Sugar mingled thick, and laid on with a Feather; some use to take a little Cream and boil it with Ginger, then take it from the fire and season it with Rosewater and Sugar, and the Juice of Jordan Almonds blanched and beaten, then stir it till it be cold, that it cream not; then take Toasts of Manchet cut thin, not too hard, nor brown, lay them in the bottom of the Dish, and pour the Cream upon them, and lay the Cabbage over.

58. To make a Trifle.

Project Gutenberg
The Queen-like Closet or Rich Cabinet from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.