Sliced Turneps also very thin, in some Vinegar, Pepper and a little Salt, do make a very good Sallad, but they will keep but six Weeks.
42. To make Sugar Cakes.
Take a pound of fine Sugar beaten and searced, with four Ounces of the finest Flower, put to it one pound of Butter well washed with Rose-water, and work them well together, then take the Yolks of four Eggs, and beat them with four Spoonfuls of Rosewater, in which hath been steeped two or three days before Nutmeg and Cinamon, then put thereto so much Cream as will make it knead to a stiff Paste, rowl it into thin Cakes, and prick them, and lay them on Plates, and bake them; you shall not need to butter your Plates, for they will slip off of themselves, when they are cold.
43. To make a very fine Cream.
Take a quart of Cream, and put to it some Rosewater and Sugar, some large Mace, Cinamon and Cloves; boil it together for a quarter of an hour, then take the yolks of eight Eggs, beat them together with some of your Cream, then put them into the Cream which is boiling, keep it stirring lest it curdle, take it from the fire, and keep it stirring till it be a little cold, then run it through a Strainer, dish it up, and let it stand one night, the next day it will be as stiff as a Custard, then stick it with blanched Almonds, Citron Pill and Eringo roots, and so serve it in.
44. To make Syrup of Turneps for a Consumption.
Take half a peck of Turneps washed and pared clean, cut them thin, put to them one pound of Raisins of the Sun stoned, one quarter of a pound of Figs cut small, one Ounce of Anniseeds bruised, half an Ounce of Licoras sliced, one Ounce of Cloves bruised, two handfuls of Burrage Flowers, and so much water as will cover all, and two fingers breadth above them, then boil it on a great fire in an earthen Vessel covered, untill the roots be soft and tender, then strain out the Liquor, and to every Pint of it put a pound of fine Sugar, the whites of two Eggs beaten, boil it to a Syrrop, and use it often, two or three spoonfuls at a time.
45. For a Consumption.
Take a Pint of Red Cows milk, then take the Yolk of a new laid Egg potched very rare, then stir it into the Milk over a soft fire, but do not let it boil, sweeten it with a little Sugar Candy, and drink it in the morning fasting, and when you go to bed.
46. To make Bottle Ale for a Consumption.
Take a quart of Ale, and a Pint of strong Aqua vitae, Mace and Cinamon, of each one quarter of an Ounce, two Spoonfuls of the powder Elecampane root, one quarter of a pound of Loaf Sugar, one quarter of a pound of Raisins of the Sun stoned, four spoonfuls of Aniseeds beaten to Powder, then put all together into a Bottle and stop it close.
Take three spoonfuls of this in a morning fasting, and again one hour before Supper and shake the Bottle when you pour it out.