7. A Sallad, the best in season.
The Second Course to the same.
1. A Dish of fat Chickens rosted.
2. A cold Venison Pasty.
3. A Dish of fryed Pasties.
4. A Joll of fresh Salmon.
5. A couple of Lobsters.
6. A Dish of Tarts.
7. A Gammon of Bacon or dried Tongues.
After these are taken away, then serve in your Cheese and Fruit.
Note, That this Bill of Fare is for Familiar times.
* * * * *
A Bill of Fare for Gentlemens Houses at Familiar Times Winter Season.
The First Course.
1. A Collar of Brawn.
2. A rosted Tongue and Udder.
3. A Leg of Pork boiled.
4. A piece of rost Beef.
5. A Venison Pasty or other Pie.
6. A Marrow Pudding.
7. A Goose, or Turkie, or Pig.
8. A Sallad of What’s in season.
The Second Course to the same.
1. Two Joints of Lamb rosted.
2. A Couple of Rabbits.
3. A Dish of wild Fowl or Larks.
4. A Goose or Turkie Pie cold.
5. A fryed Dish.
6. Sliced Venison cold.
7. A Dish of Tarts or Custards.
8. A Gammon of Bacon, or dried Tongues, or both in one Dish.
When these are taken away, serve in your Cheese and Fruit as before I have told you.
* * * * *
A Bill of Fare for Gentlemens Houses upon Fish Days, and at Familiar Times.
1. A Dish of Buttered Eggs.
2. An Almond Pudding Buttered.
3. A Dish of Barrel Cod Buttered.
4. A Sallad of what’s in season.
5. A Dish of Fresh Fish boiled.
6. A Dish of Eels Spitchcockt.
7. An Oyster Pie or Herring Pie.
8. A Fricasie of Eels and Oysters.
9. A Carp Pie cold, or Lamprey Pie.
_. The Second Course to the same._
1. An Apple Pie buttered, or some Pancakes or Fritters.
2. A Dish of fryed Smelts.
3. A Dish of broiled Fish.
4. A Dish of buttered Crabs.
5. A Dish of Lobsters and Prawns.
6. A Joll of Sturgeon or Fresh Salmon.
7. A Dish of Tarts or Custards.
8. A Dish of Anchovies or Pickled Herring.
When these are taken away, serve in your Cheese and Fruit as before I have told you.
* * * * *
Now because I would have every one Compleat who have a Desire to serve in Noble or Great Houses, I shall here shew them what their Office requires; And,
First, For the Kitchin, because without that we shall look lean, and grow faint quickly.