The Worst Journey in the World eBook

Apsley Cherry-Garrard
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 876 pages of information about The Worst Journey in the World.

The Worst Journey in the World eBook

Apsley Cherry-Garrard
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 876 pages of information about The Worst Journey in the World.

“I can imagine few things more trying to the patience than the long wasted days of waiting.  Exasperating as it is to see the tons of coal melting away with the smallest mileage to our credit, one has at least the satisfaction of active fighting and the hope of better fortune.  To wait idly is the worst of conditions.  You can imagine how often and how restlessly we climbed to the crow’s nest and studied the outlook.  And strangely enough there was generally some change to note.  A water lead would mysteriously open up a few miles away, or the place where it had been would as mysteriously close.  Huge icebergs crept silently towards or past us, and continually we were observing these formidable objects with range finder and compass to determine the relative movement, sometimes with misgivings as to our ability to clear them.  Under steam the change of conditions was even more marked.  Sometimes we would enter a lead of open water and proceed for a mile or two without hindrance; sometimes we would come to big sheets of thin ice which broke easily as our iron-shod prow struck them, and sometimes even a thin sheet would resist all our attempts to break it; sometimes we would push big floes with comparative ease and sometimes a small floe would bar our passage with such obstinacy that one would almost believe it possessed of an evil spirit; sometimes we passed through acres of sludgy sodden ice which hissed as it swept along the side, and sometimes the hissing ceased seemingly without rhyme or reason, and we found our screw churning the sea without any effect.

“Thus the steaming days passed away in an ever-changing environment and are remembered as an unceasing struggle.

“The ship behaved splendidly—­no other ship, not even the Discovery, would have come through so well.  Certainly the Nimrod would never have reached the south water had she been caught in such pack.  As a result I have grown strangely attached to the Terra Nova.  As she bumped the floes with mighty shocks, crushing and grinding a way through some, twisting and turning to avoid others, she seemed like a living thing fighting a great fight.  If only she had more economical engines she would be suitable in all respects.

[Illustration:  TERRA NOVA]

“Once or twice we got among floes which stood 7 or 8 feet above water, with hummocks and pinnacles as high as 25 feet.  The ship could have stood no chance had such floes pressed against her, and at first we were a little alarmed in such situations.  But familiarity breeds contempt; there never was any pressure in the heavy ice, and I’m inclined to think there never would be.

Project Gutenberg
The Worst Journey in the World from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.