A Little Book of Filipino Riddles eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 73 pages of information about A Little Book of Filipino Riddles.

A Little Book of Filipino Riddles eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 73 pages of information about A Little Book of Filipino Riddles.


Ating metung a cacanan ing queang pengan marayu ya qung atian. 
    (Pamp.) Paro

There is a certain thing to eat; its fleshiness is far from its belly. 


Ing labuad nang quebaitan yang ena na buring balicad, uling ing hie
na carin mipalamang. 
    (Pamp.) Yamuc

He does not like to return to the land where he was born for there
he will meet his fate. 

    Born of water; he drowns in water.


Aling hayop dito sa mundo, ang inilalakad ay ulo? 
    (Tag.) Suso

What animal in this world walks with his head? 


Maysa a naparato ti catayna pagsilona. 
    (Iloc.) Laoalaoa

A joker uses his spittle for a snare. 


Ating palacio mitmu yang cuartu, balang metung a cuartu maqui metung
yang curatu. 
    (Pamp.) Calaba ning tainumu, o panilan.

There is a palace full of rooms, each containing a priest. 


Aroi Dom Pedro, hindi macolabas sa carcel? 
    (Tag.) Tinik

Oh!  Don Pedro, why don’t you get out of prison? 

    Tinik means either a sting of an insect or the thorn of a plant.  It
    is the sting or thorn which here is considered in prison and
    exhorted to escape.



Metung a butil a pale kitmu ne ing bale. 
    (Pamp.) Sumbu

A single grain of rice, filled the whole house. 
    A lamp


Memala ya ing labak meto ya ing tugak. 
    (Pamp.) Sumbu

The swamp dried up and the frog died. 
    An oil lamp


Adda lognac quen adda met agtaytayab daytoy nga agtaytayab aggiyan ditoy nga lognac quet no mamamagaan daytoy nga lognaquen matay met datoy agtaytayaben. 
    (Iloc.) Lamparaan

There is a pond and a bird; this bird lives in the pond.  When the
pond dries up, the bird dies. 



Aniat casam itan ti nasamit? 
    (Iloc.) Ayat

What is the sweetest of the sweet? 


Ania ti ayat nga agmalmalem? 
    (Iloc.) Ti apagcascasar

What love lasts all day? 
    Of those just married


Ramaycot panagaladco luac ti panagsibugco. 
    (Iloc.) Panangasaoa

I fence with my fingers; I water with my tears. 
    To marry


Nag molaac iti masetas ditoy locong iti dacolapco iti pinag si bogco
toy loac quet iti pinamorosco toy matac. 
    (Iloc.) Nagayanayat

I planted a plant in the midst of the palm of my hand, I watered it
with my tears, I gathered it with my eyes. 
    Loving each other


Acoi nag tanim nang dayap sa gitna nang dagat marami ang nahanap,
iisa ang naka palad. 
    (Tag.,—­also Iloc.) Dalaga

Project Gutenberg
A Little Book of Filipino Riddles from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.