The Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 368 pages of information about The Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Volume 1.

The Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 368 pages of information about The Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Volume 1.


Well; ’tis as Bickerstaff has guest,
Though we all took it for a jest: 
Partridge is dead; nay more, he dy’d,
Ere he could prove the good ’squire ly’d. 
Strange, an astrologer should die
Without one wonder in the sky;
Not one of all his crony stars
To pay their duty at his hearse! 
No meteor, no eclipse appear’d! 
No comet with a flaming beard! 
The sun hath rose and gone to bed,
Just as if Partridge were not dead;
Nor hid himself behind the moon
To make a dreadful night at noon. 
He at fit periods walks through Aries,
Howe’er our earthly motion varies;
And twice a-year he’ll cut th’ Equator,
As if there had been no such matter. 
  Some wits have wonder’d what analogy
There is ’twixt cobbling[2] and astrology;
How Partridge made his optics rise
From a shoe-sole to reach the skies. 
  A list the cobbler’s temples ties,
To keep the hair out of his eyes;
From whence ’tis plain the diadem
That princes wear derives from them;
And therefore crowns are now-a-days
Adorn’d with golden stars and rays;
Which plainly shows the near alliance
’Twixt cobbling and the planet’s science. 
  Besides, that slow-paced sign Boeoetes,
As ’tis miscall’d, we know not who ’tis;
But Partridge ended all disputes;
He knew his trade, and call’d it boots.[3]
  The horned moon,[4] which heretofore
Upon their shoes the Romans wore,
Whose wideness kept their toes from corns,
And whence we claim our shoeing-horns,
Shows how the art of cobbling bears
A near resemblance to the spheres. 
A scrap of parchment hung by geometry,
(A great refiner in barometry,)
Can, like the stars, foretell the weather;
And what is parchment else but leather? 
Which an astrologer might use
Either for almanacks or shoes. 
  Thus Partridge, by his wit and parts,
At once did practise both these arts: 
And as the boding owl (or rather
The bat, because her wings are leather)
Steals from her private cell by night,
And flies about the candle-light;
So learned Partridge could as well
Creep in the dark from leathern cell,
And in his fancy fly as far
To peep upon a twinkling star. 
  Besides, he could confound the spheres,
And set the planets by the ears;
To show his skill, he Mars could join
To Venus in aspect malign;
Then call in Mercury for aid,
And cure the wounds that Venus made. 
  Great scholars have in Lucian read,
When Philip King of Greece was dead
His soul and spirit did divide,
And each part took a different side;
One rose a star; the other fell
Beneath, and mended shoes in Hell.[5]
  Thus Partridge still shines in each art,
The cobbling and star-gazing part,
And is install’d as good a star
As any of the Caesars are. 
  Triumphant star! some pity show

Project Gutenberg
The Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.