The Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 368 pages of information about The Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Volume 1.

The Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 368 pages of information about The Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Volume 1.
By lightning shot from Chloe’s eyes! 
  While these reflections fill’d his head,
The bride was put in form to bed: 
He follow’d, stript, and in he crept,
But awfully his distance kept. 
  Now, “ponder well, ye parents dear;”
Forbid your daughters guzzling beer;
And make them ev’ry afternoon
Forbear their tea, or drink it soon;
That, ere to bed they venture up,
They may discharge it ev’ry sup;
If not, they must in evil plight
Be often forc’d to rise at night. 
Keep them to wholesome food confin’d,
Nor let them taste what causes wind: 
’Tis this the sage of Samos means,
Forbidding his disciples beans.[8]
O! think what evils must ensue;
Miss Moll, the jade, will burn it blue;
And, when she once has got the art,
She cannot help it for her heart;
But out it flies, even when she meets
Her bridegroom in the wedding-sheets.
Carminative and diuretic[9]
Will damp all passion sympathetic;
And Love such nicety requires,
One blast will put out all his fires. 
Since husbands get behind the scene,
The wife should study to be clean;
Nor give the smallest room to guess
The time when wants of nature press;
But after marriage practise more
Decorum than she did before;
To keep her spouse deluded still,
And make him fancy what she will. 
  In bed we left the married pair;
’Tis time to show how things went there. 
Strephon, who had been often told
That fortune still assists the bold,
Resolved to make the first attack;
But Chloe drove him fiercely back. 
How could a nymph so chaste as Chloe,
With constitution cold and snowy,
Permit a brutish man to touch her? 
Ev’n lambs by instinct fly the butcher. 
Resistance on the wedding-night
Is what our maidens claim by right;
And Chloe, ’tis by all agreed,
Was maid in thought, in word, and deed. 
Yet some assign a different reason;
That Strephon chose no proper season. 
  Say, fair ones, must I make a pause,
Or freely tell the secret cause? 
  Twelve cups of tea (with grief I speak)
Had now constrain’d the nymph to leak. 
This point must needs be settled first: 
The bride must either void or burst. 
Then see the dire effects of pease;
Think what can give the colic ease. 
The nymph oppress’d before, behind,
As ships are toss’d by waves and wind,
Steals out her hand, by nature led,
And brings a vessel into bed;
Fair utensil, as smooth and white
As Chloe’s skin, almost as bright. 
  Strephon, who heard the fuming rill
As from a mossy cliff distil,
Cried out, Ye Gods! what sound is this? 
Can Chloe, heavenly Chloe,——? 
But when he smelt a noisome steam
Which oft attends that lukewarm stream;
(Salerno both together joins,[10]
As sov’reign med’cines for the loins:)
And though contriv’d, we may suppose,
To slip his ears, yet struck his nose;
Project Gutenberg
The Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.