An Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon in the East Indies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 438 pages of information about An Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon in the East Indies.

An Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon in the East Indies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 438 pages of information about An Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon in the East Indies.

[His Pride.] His Pride and affectation of honour is unmeasurable.  Which appears in his Peoples manner of Address to him, which he either Commands or allows of. [How the people Address to the King.] When they come before him they fall flat down on their Faces to the Ground at three several times, and then they sit with their legs under them upon their Knees all the time they are in his presence:  And when he bids them to absent, they go backwards, untill they are out of his sight or a great distance from him.  But of Christian People indeed he requires no more then to kneel with their Hats off before him.

[They give him divine worship.] Nay, He takes on him all the Ceremonies and Solemnities of Honour, which they shew unto their Gods; making his account that as he is now their King, so hereafter he shall be one of their Gods.  And the People did call him God.  Formerly since my being on that Land, he used not to come out of his Palace into the sight of the People but very seldom out of State and Haughtiness of Spirit; but now of later times he comes forth daily.  And altho he be near fourscore years of age, yet his greatest delight is in Honour and Majesty, being [Pleased with high Titles.] most pleased with high and windy Titles given him.  Such as Mauhawaul, a Phrase importing Greatness, but not expressible in our Language.  Hondrewne Boudouind, Let your Majesty be a God.  When the King speaks to them, they answer him at every period, Oiboa, many Lives.  Baula Gaut, the limb of a Dog, speaking to the King of themselves:  yet now of late times since here happened a Rebellion against him, he fears to assume to himself the Title of God; having visibly seen and almost felt, that there is a greater power then His ruling on Earth, which set the hearts of the People against Him:  and so hath given command to prophane that great Name no more, by ascribing it to him.

[An instance or two of the King’s haughty stomach.] In Anno 1675, one of the Kings greatest and most Valiant Generals, and that had been notably successful against the Dutch, had done many pieces of good service for the King, expelled the Hollander out of several Forts, taking and killing many or them, this man the King was jealous of, and did resolve to take away his Head as a reward of his Valour; which he had some private Intelligence of, and so Fled, being then in Camp against the Dutch, and got to Columba with his wife and goods.  By which the King had an invaluable Loss. [He slights the defection of one of his best Generals.] Yet the King out of the height of his Stomach, seemed not in the least to be vexed thereat, neither did he regard it; as if it were beneath the quality of such a Monarch to be moved with such a Trifle.  But sent down another General in his place; And as for the house and estate of him that Fled, and whatsoever he left behind him, he let it lye and rot, scorning to esteem or regard it.

Project Gutenberg
An Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon in the East Indies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.