4. On leaving Japan the travelling expenses and personal effects of the volunteers shall be borne by themselves. After reaching China, Chang Yao-Ching and his associates shall give the volunteers the pay of officers of the subordinate grade according to the established regulations of the Japanese army.
5. If a volunteer is wounded while on duty Chang Yao-Ching and his associates shall pay him a provisional compensation of not exceeding 1,000 yen. When wounded seriously a provisional compensation of 5,000 yen shall be paid as well as a life pension in accordance with the rules of the Japanese army. If a volunteer meets with an accident, thus losing his life, an indemnity of 50,000 yen shall be paid to his family.
6. If a volunteer is not qualified for duty Chang Yao-Ching and his associates shall have the power to dismiss him. All volunteers are subject to the orders of Chang Yao-Ching and his associates and to their command in the battlefields.
7. When volunteers are required to attack a certain selected place it shall be their duty to do so. But the necessary expenses for the undertaking shall be determined beforehand by both parties after investigating into existing conditions.
8. The volunteer force
shall be organized after the model of the
Japanese army. Two Japanese
officers recommended by the Europe and
Asia Trading Company shall
be employed.
9. The Europe and Asia
Trading Company shall have the power to
dispose of the public properties
in the places occupied by the
volunteer force.
10. The Europe and Asia
Trading Company shall have the first
preference for working the
mines in places occupied and protected by
the volunteer force.
And here ends this extraordinary collection of papers. Is fiction mixed with fact—are these only “trial” drafts, or are they real documents signed, sealed, and delivered? The point seems unimportant. The thing of importance is the undoubted fact that assembled and treated in the way we have treated them they present a complete and arresting picture of the aims and ambitions of the ordinary Japanese; of their desire to push home the attack to the last gasp and so to secure the infeodation of China.
A shiver of impotent rage passed over the country when the nature and acceptance of the Japanese Ultimatum became generally known. The Chinese, always an emotional people, responding with quasi-feminine volubility to oppressive acts, cried aloud at the ignominy of the diplomacy which had so cruelly crucified them. One and all declared that the day of shame which had been so harshly imposed upon them would never be forgotten and that Japan would indeed pay bitterly for her policy of extortion.