The Fight For The Republic in China eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 533 pages of information about The Fight For The Republic in China.

The Fight For The Republic in China eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 533 pages of information about The Fight For The Republic in China.
  consideration of war-partnership with the Allies
  Japan’s opposition
  German propaganda
  Pres.  Wilson’s Peace Note
  China’s reply
  the submarine question
  note to Germany
  reply to
  Chinese diplomacy enters a new field
  Japan’s policies
  China considers breaking diplomatic relations with Germany
  Parliament’s action
  Germany’s reply to China’s note
  diplomatic relations severed
  German Minister leaves Pekin
  Liang Ch’i-chao’s Memorandum
  Kang Yu-wei’s Memorandum
  Cabinet decides on war
  interpellation to the Government
  Parliament mobbed
  Cabinet resigns
  Japan’s subterranean activities
  note of the United States
  war against Germany declared
Europeans failed to recognize true state of Chinese government

Feng Kuo-chang, Gen.
Fengtien, Manchurian province
Feudal organization of Japan
  between the provinces
  the binding chain between provincial
  and metropolitan China
Financial troubles
Foochow arsenal
Forbidden City, immurement of emperors in
Foreign Debt Commission
  intervention threatened
  loan, the first
Foreigners in China, position of
Four-Power group, the
France’s status after the war
Franco-Belgian Syndicate
  diplomacy in China
  Republic, Goodnow review of
  the, and the Lao-hsi-kai dispute
  the, Chinese boycott of
Fuhkien province

  Boxer indemnity
  diplomatic relations broken
  minister leaves Pekin
  negotiations with Yuan Shih-kai
  propaganda in China
  reply to China’s protest
  war declaration considered
Germany, war against declared
Germany’s status after the war
Goodnow, Dr.
  legal adviser of Yuan Shih-kai
  memorandum of
Gordon, General
Government, the Central, definition of
Governmental system of the Manchu dynasty
Great Britain’s status after the war

Hankow editor flogged to death
Hangchow, open port
Hanyang arsenal
Hanyehping Company, the
Heilungchiang, Manchurian province
Hioki, Dr., Japanese Minister
Hsianfu flight, the
Hsaiochan camp, the
  Division, the
Hsiaowu, emperor
Hsuan Tung,
  boy emperor
Huai Chun, the
Huang Hsin
Hutuktu, the Living Buddha of Urga

Imperial Clan Society
Imperialist-Republican conflict of 1917
Inner Mongolia, political unrest in
Insurrection of the “White Wolfs”
International Debt Commission
  financial contests
Interpellation to the government on
  the question of war with Germany
Ito, Prince

  and Korea
  and the Kiaochow campaign
  demands participation in loan
  demands the Kiaochow territory from Germany
  feudal organization of
  first Diet summoned
  forced to revise the Twenty-one Demands

Project Gutenberg
The Fight For The Republic in China from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.