Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 310 pages of information about Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science.

Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 310 pages of information about Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science.
and tombs as distinct, if not so elaborate, as those of Etruria and Cyprus.  These remains show the hand of several successive races.  Who they were, what their traits, whence they came, what their relations with the now civilized Chinese and Japanese—­whom, physically, their descendants so nearly resemble—­are legitimate queries for the historian.  Geologically, America is older than Europe, and was fitted for the home of the red man before the latter ceased to be the home of the whale.  The investigation of its past, if impossible to be conducted in the light of its own records or even traditions, is capable of aiding in the verification of conclusions drawn from those of the Old World.  If History, however, contemptuously relegates the Moundbuilders to the mattock of the antiquarian, she is still “Philosophy teaching by example.”  As thus allied with Philosophy, she finds something to look into at the Centennial, even though she look obliquely, after the fashion of the observant Hollanders, who have stuck the reflecting glasses of the Dutch street-windows into the sides of their compartment in the Main Building, and squint, without a change of position, upon the United States, Spain, South America, Egypt, Great Britain and several other countries.

Religion and philanthropy find the field inviting, and their representatives, individual and associated, are busy in preparing to till it.  The enthusiasm of the leading religious societies took the concrete shape of statuary.  Hence the Catholic Fountain, heretofore noticed; the Hebrew statue to Religious Liberty, as established in a land that never had a Ghetto or a Judenstrasse; the Presbyterian figure of Witherspoon; an Episcopalian of Bishop White; and others under way or proposed.  The temperance movement, too, embodies itself in a fountain that runs ice-water instead of claret.  The less tangible but perhaps more fruitful form of reunions and discussions must in a greater or less degree enhance the power for good of these organizations.  They are led by men of mind and energy, seldom averse to enlightenment, and all professing to seek nothing else.  When men of these qualities, aiming at the same or a like object, meet to compare their respective admeasurements of its parallax made from as many different points, they cannot fail to approach accuracy.  Faith is a first element in all great undertakings.  It removes mountains at Mont Cenis, as it walked the waves with Columbus.  In our century even faith is progressive, and does not shrink from elbowing its way through what Bunyan would have styled Vanity Fair.

Project Gutenberg
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.