Là-bas eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 332 pages of information about Là-bas.

Là-bas eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 332 pages of information about Là-bas.

“Prelates, abbesses, mission superiors, confessors of communities; and in Rome, the centre of present-day magic, they’re the very highest dignitaries,” answered Des Hermies.  “As for the laymen, they are recruited from the wealthy class.  That explains why these scandals are hushed up if the police chance to discover them.

“Then, let us assume that the sacrifices to the Devil are not preceded by preliminary murders.  Perhaps in some cases they aren’t.  The worshippers probably content themselves with bleeding a foetus which had been aborted as soon as it became matured to the point necessary.  Bloodletting is supererogatory anyway, and serves merely to whet the appetite.  The main business is to consecrate the host and put it to an infamous use.  The rest of the procedure varies.  There is at present no regular ritual for the black mass.”

“Well, then, is a priest absolutely essential to the celebration of these offices?”

“Certainly.  Only a priest can operate the mystery of Transubstantiation.  I know there are certain occultists who claim to have been consecrated by the Lord, as Saint Paul was, and who think they can consummate a veritable sacrifice just like a real priest.  Absurd!  But even in default of real masses with ordained celebrants, the people possessed by the mania of sacrilege do none the less realize the sacred stupration of which they dream.

“Listen to this.  In 1855 there existed at Paris an association composed of women, for the most part.  These women took communion several times a day and retained the sacred wafer in their mouths to be spat out later and trodden underfoot or soiled by disgusting contacts.”

“You are sure of it?”

“Perfectly.  These facts were revealed by a religious journal, Les annales de la saintete, and the archbishop of Paris could not deny them.  I add that in 1874 women were likewise enrolled at Paris to practise this odious commerce.  They were paid so much for every wafer they brought in.  That explains why they presented themselves at the sacred table of different churches every day.”

“And that is not the half of it!  Look,” said Carhaix, in his turn, rising and taking from his bookshelf a blue brochurette.  “Here is a review, La voix de la septaine, dated 1843.  It informs us that for twenty-five years, at Agen, a Satanistic association regularly celebrated black masses, and committed murder, and polluted three thousand three hundred and twenty hosts!  And Monsignor the Bishop of Agen, who was a good and ardent prelate, never dared deny the monstrosities committed in his diocese!”

“Yes, we can say it among ourselves,” Des Hermies returned, “in the nineteenth century the number of foul-minded abbes has been legion.  Unhappily, though the documents are certain, they are difficult to verify, for no ecclesiastic boasts of such misdeeds.  The celebrants of Deicidal masses dissemble and declare themselves devoted to Christ.  They even affirm that they defend Him by exorcising the possessed.

Project Gutenberg
Là-bas from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.